We’re live at the 3rd #EuropeChinaconference on clean #energytransition in Berlin! Over the next 2 days we will discuss how to foster in-depth Europe-China cooperation & exchange while tackling common challenges on the way to a #netzero future. Livestream: https://agora-energiewende-de.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_i0apuLPvROu_ZhWNFtOqkA
#europechinaconference #energytransition #NetZero
#FossilFuel🛢️ giants are still undermining the #ParisAgreement, despite #NetZero pledges
#fossilfuel #parisagreement #NetZero
We can't afford to let UK #NetZero goals become the next Brexit 'debate' - just a convenient vehicle by which to resolve factional political disputes, regardless of the damage done to the economy & to British people https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/04/tory-tussles-over-energy-bill-put-net-zero-progress-at-risk
The two-day event is a unique opportunity to meet with local stakeholders from the major coal-producing region in China, Shanxi province and exchange views on the main issues and barriers on the way to a #netzero future. 2/3
#NetZero ethics? Rishi Sunak’s family firm signed a billion-dollar deal with #BP *before the UK 🇬🇧 PM opened new North Sea #oil & #gas🛢️licences https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/politics/sunaks-family-firm-signed-a-billion-dollar-deal-with-bp-before-pm-opened-new-north-sea-licences-353690/
Lloyd Whitworth of Surrey Council saying the quiet part out loud: “At the moment, our biggest investment in #renewable energy is through #Shell. Even if we thought they were #StrandedAssets, they’d still be a buy now"🤦♀️ https://www.netzeroinvestor.net/news-and-views/surrey-pension-fund-theres-a-balance-of-power-shift-on-net-zero #NetZero #BigOil #LGPS
#renewable #shell #strandedassets #NetZero #bigoil #lgps
Staff shortages, a lack of specialist personnel and low pay are major barriers to achieving #NetZero, according to workers in the UK 🇬🇧 environment sector https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/15/shortage-of-experts-and-low-pay-major-barriers-to-uks-net-zero-future
The UK 🇬🇧 government is using a #carbon price more than 3x times higher than its current price to help shape energy policy over the next two years, raising questions over its strategy to weaken the cost of pollution https://ft.com/content/f51586b5-93cd-4629-b8da-cbb9ae0597c5 #NetZero #UKETS
Interested to know more about our upcoming events? Find out more on our website 👉 https://www.agora-energiewende.de/en/events/
#events #netzero #energytransition #solarPV #energysecurity #decarbonisation #energytransition
#events #NetZero #energytransition #SolarPV #EnergySecurity #decarbonisation
RT Dick Newby
Whatever you think about @GreenpeaceUK , Govt surely wrong & petulant to snub them. A stark contrast to the multiple meetings they have had with polluters #BP & #Shell before granting 100 new oil & gas exploration licences. #CimateChange #NetZero
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RichardNewby3/status/1690390183139512322
#BP #Shell #cimatechange #NetZero
'Get it done': poll shows UK public in favour of net zero
7️⃣0️⃣% of Brits support 🇬🇧 target of becoming #NetZero by 2050
1️⃣8️⃣ % oppose the target
@focaldataHQ & ECIU polling
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECIU_UK/status/1688829329025986560
"Transición energética"? Según la Agencia Internacional de la Energía menos del 5% del transporte mundial será electrificado en el 2050. Datos incómodos contra la engañosa publicidad tecno-optimista. Colapsismo?
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Art Berman: EIA expects electricity to provide less than 5% of world transportation energy by 2050
in its International Energy Outlook 2021 reference case
Liquid fuels will fall from 95% in 2020 to 87% in 2050
#energy #EnergyTransition #ClimateActionNow #renewables #NetZero
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DaHammerstein/status/1688581931502317568
#energy #EnergyTransition #ClimateActionNow #renewables #NetZero
And this matters more broadly too, because public support for goals like Net Zero are a bit like world peace or ending poverty: almost everyone likes the idea, but no one wants to pay for it. Politics, of course, is waking up to this — and given the fact that most politicians are opportunists and not ideologues, there is a growing probability that we are witnessing the end of Net Zero as a goal.
And now the costs are becoming clearer.
#NetZero is just suicidally expensive virtue signalling.
Calling all Indian Cities! 🌇
Join the #UrbanTransitionsMission & accelerate clean urban solutions. 🚀
👉 Must be a city with 50K+ inhabitants
Apply by 21st Aug!
Details: https://www.eeas.europa.eu/delegations/india/opportunity-indian-cities-expression-interest-join-urban-transitions-mission-deadline-21-august-2023_en
#ClimateAction #NetZero #CleanTech #SustainableCities #MissionInnovation
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_in_India/status/1686577947086622722
#UrbanTransitionsMission #ClimateAction #NetZero #cleantech #sustainablecities #MissionInnovation
RT Art Berman
Fossil fuels accounted for 85% of world primary energy consumption in 2022
Solar was 0.8% & increased 25%
Wind was 1.3% & increased 14%
Nuclear was 1.7% & decreased 4%
#energy #EnergyTransition #ClimateActionNow #renewables #NetZero
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/aeberman12/status/1686696790383280128
#energy #EnergyTransition #ClimateActionNow #renewables #NetZero
A well-developed energy #infrastructure is a pre-requisite for a successful #cleanenergy transition. Join our in-person #event in #Brussels & discuss with us about transforming the way we design, build & invest in energy infrastructure to reach a #netzero future. 1/3
#infrastructure #cleanenergy #event #Brussels #NetZero
Domestic Heat Pumps: Barriers to Installation (2022) - A case study in the friction in specifying and installing a heat-pump in the UK, even for a savvy early adopter. #heatpump #netZero #futureReady - https://www.earth.org.uk/heat-pump-barriers.html
#heatpump #NetZero #futureready
Banking 🏦 & #FossilFuels🛢️are among seven sectors which will be given extra guidance on sharing their #NetZero plans. The Government has committed to introducing new rules requiring large UK 🇬🇧 businesses to publicly share their net-zero progress https://www.independent.co.uk/business/banks-and-oil-firms-among-those-to-get-extra-guidance-on-sharing-net-zero-plans-b2383015.html
This significant research paper describes & evaluates the development of a detailed, practical plan (4 scenarios) to get the social housing stock (n= 33,000) of London's Borough of Islington to #NetZero carbon emissions. With all measures combined & taking account of the predicted #decarbonisation of the electricity supply, it's possible to achieve an overall 70% cut in emissions by 2030. #retrofit https://doi.org/10.5334/bc.349
#NetZero #decarbonisation #retrofit
Domestic Heat Pumps: Barriers to Installation (2022) - A case study in the friction in specifying and installing a heat-pump in the UK, even for a savvy early adopter. #heatpump #netZero #futureReady - https://www.earth.org.uk/heat-pump-barriers.html
#heatpump #NetZero #futureready