4/ MEPs should be cautious of adopting language in favour of these #FairShare #NetworkFees demands in the @EP_Economics Committee 'Competition policy 2022' report in Plenary, otherwise they might unwillingly play into the cards of Big Telcos, and harm users and #NetNeutrality!
#netneutrality #NetworkFees #FairShare
3/ As we explain in our response to the EC's exploratory consultation: service providers do not generate traffic, users do. If Big Telcos obtain what they call for by asking for #FairShare #NetworkFees, users will bear the cost, as will media plurality
2/ This ignores that:
#️⃣ the EC is still holding an exploratory consultation (running until 19 May!);
#️⃣ @BERECeuropaeu found no need to overhaul the current working model of the Internet; and
#️⃣ independent experts and academics have cautioned against #NetworkFees
1/ Last week, @EP_Economics adopted MEP @repasi his Competition Policy 2022 report - to be voted in the Plenary session of 30 May-1 June or the week of 12 June. Big Telcos' calls for #NetworkFees from 'large traffic generators' slipped into the amendments
RT @the_info_labs
🔥🥁 The latest information labs newsletter is out:
↪️ A special #FairShare #NetworkFees consultation edition 👇
🔗 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/internet-lab-fair-share-network-fees-6-march-2023
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#netneutrality #NetworkFees #FairShare
Dopo la posizione negativa del governo olandese, anche quello tedesco, con il ministro del digitale #Schnorr, critica la teoria delle #networkfees, affermando che non vi è alcun fallimento del mercato che giustifichi tale intervento normativo, almeno in Germania. In altre parole, il dibattito sul #fairshare, secondo cui gli OTT dovrebbero pagare il “passaggio” sulle reti telecom, sembra affondare ancor prima della potenziale proposta https://www.bundestag.de/presse/hib/kurzmeldungen-936322
#schnorr #NetworkFees #fairshare
🇬🇧 Defend #NetNeutrality in this #FairShare EU consultation on proposed #NetworkFees – mind the questions 54 and 60:
Access fees could make internet access to essential services expensive or slow...
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/echo_pbreyer/status/1630590483482263553
#netneutrality #FairShare #NetworkFees
RT @the_info_labs
🔥 The latest information labs newsletter is out now:
↪️ Check out a recap of recent #FairShare #NetworkFees updates 👇
🔗 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/internet-lab-fair-share-network-fees-22-feb-2023-information-labs
Get informed:
➡️ Follow us: https://linkedin.com/company/information-labs/
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#netneutrality #NetworkFees #FairShare
RT @CCIAeurope: ❓ Would the impact of #NetworkFees really be limited to “big #tech” alone, as #telcos claim?
“Probably all 🇪🇺 companies use #online platforms and #cloud services ☁️ today, so the tax would ripple right through the whole EU #internet ecosystem.”
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MichalBoni/status/1627615053028503552
#NetworkFees #tech #telcos #online #cloud #internet #FairShare #netneutrality
RT @the_info_labs: The message of MEP @echo_pbreyer (@Piratenpartei) to EC President @vonderleyen: the @EU_Commission must pursue a better strategy to promote connectivity than #NetworkFees
🌐 https://informationlabs.org/podcasts/internet-lab/meppatrickbreyer-26jan23/
#FairShare #NetNeutrality
/cc @GreensEFA @EuropeanPirates
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/echo_pbreyer/status/1620323245181263873
#NetworkFees #FairShare #netneutrality
Per coloro che vogliono approfondire in italiano il tema del #fairshare #networkfees e dell’imminente riforma di Internet che verrà da Bruxelles. Grazie @valigiablu per l’ospitalità https://www.valigiablu.it/bruxelles-regole-internet/
Holders Accumulate, Blockchain Activity Decreases In Both Bitcoin And Ethereum
#loweston-chainactivityinyears #BlockchainActivityDecreasing #Holdersaccumulate #bitcoinhodlers #on-chaindemand #accumulation #IntoTheBlock #ProofofStake #NetworkFees #proofofwork #DeFisummer #Ethereum #ethereum #TheMerge #Bitcoin #bitcoin #holders #ethusd
#loweston #BlockchainActivityDecreasing #Holdersaccumulate #Bitcoinhodlers #on #accumulation #IntotheBlock #ProofofStake #NetworkFees #proofofwork #DeFisummer #ethereum #TheMerge #bitcoin #Holders #ethusd