Its okay. We are all learning. You'll be happy to know its easy to check for CloudGlare.

Hit Ctrl+Shift+E in any Firefox-based broswer and will appear. Here you see all the web domains that the site uses, just click on the domain and in the right cloumn see if "cf-ray" or "server: cloudflare" appear in the HTTP "Response" section.

To find an instance there are many resources, but fediverse.party/en/portal/serv is a nice one.


Last updated 1 year ago

The NetworkTab in derived browsers is also pretty great and super easy to access (Ctrl+Shift+E). One can use it to see the different on a page too, and whether a site should be 'ed for going through /Amazon etc.

You can filter the to only show you images too ;)


#firefox #trackers #blockmark #cloudflare #NetworkTab

Last updated 3 years ago

HOW TO TEST your favourite sites for surveillance + other nasties.

1) In a new tab, hit Ctrl+Shift+E for the .

2) Load website.

3) Order fetched content in NetworkTab by then check each domain. Ensure that Server is not Cloudflare (or = = and MS ).

If its bad, make a BLOK bookmark, if good make ALOW bookmark. Date it (eg. feb'22) so after a year you can test it again.

#cloudflare #torbrowser #NetworkTab #domainname #AmazonS3 #Cloudfront #amz #azure #cloudflareTest #deCloudflare #crimeflare

Last updated 3 years ago

Three easy steps to test a site for and other nasties.

1) In a new tab, hit Ctrl+Shift+E to bring up the .

2) Load the website (optional: strip URL to domain name only),

3) In the NetworkTab click each of assets that seem unique to that page. In the column that appears, ensure that Server is not Cloudflare, or (or ). If its bad, make a BLOCKMARK bookmark, if good make an ALLOW b'mark. Date it.

#cloudflare #torbrowser #NetworkTab #domainname #AmazonS3 #MicrosoftIIS #cloudflareTest #deCloudflare

Last updated 3 years ago

PSA: Before sharing that URL please inspect the .

If the site is behind or or contains trackers consider "" for and an article on another site. Your efforts will be rewarded in ways you might not immediately recognise.


#NetworkTab #cloudflare #amazon #google #searxing #sharing #psa #deleteBigTech #deleteamazon #deletecloudflare #deletegoogle

Last updated 4 years ago