Its okay. We are all learning. You'll be happy to know its easy to check for CloudGlare.
Hit Ctrl+Shift+E in any Firefox-based broswer and #NetworkTab will appear. Here you see all the web domains that the site uses, just click on the domain and in the right cloumn see if "cf-ray" or "server: cloudflare" appear in the HTTP "Response" section.
To find an instance there are many resources, but https://fediverse.party/en/portal/servers/ is a nice one.
The NetworkTab in #Firefox derived browsers is also pretty great and super easy to access (Ctrl+Shift+E). One can use it to see the different #trackers on a page too, and whether a site should be #blockmark'ed for going through #CloudFlare/Amazon etc.
You can filter the #NetworkTab to only show you images too ;)
#firefox #trackers #blockmark #cloudflare #NetworkTab
HOW TO TEST your favourite sites for #CloudFlare surveillance + other nasties.
1) In a new #TorBrowser tab, hit Ctrl+Shift+E for the #NetworkTab.
2) Load website.
3) Order fetched content in NetworkTab by #domainName then check each domain. Ensure that Server is not Cloudflare (or #AmazonS3 = #CloudFront = #amz and MS #azure).
If its bad, make a BLOK bookmark, if good make ALOW bookmark. Date it (eg. feb'22) so after a year you can test it again.
#cloudflare #torbrowser #NetworkTab #domainname #AmazonS3 #Cloudfront #amz #azure #cloudflareTest #deCloudflare #crimeflare
Three easy steps to test a site for #Cloudflare and other nasties.
1) In a new #TorBrowser tab, hit Ctrl+Shift+E to bring up the #NetworkTab.
2) Load the website (optional: strip URL to domain name only),
3) In the NetworkTab click each #domainName of assets that seem unique to that page. In the column that appears, ensure that Server is not Cloudflare, or #AmazonS3 (or #MicrosoftIIS). If its bad, make a BLOCKMARK bookmark, if good make an ALLOW b'mark. Date it.
#cloudflare #torbrowser #NetworkTab #domainname #AmazonS3 #MicrosoftIIS #cloudflareTest #deCloudflare
PSA: Before sharing that URL please inspect the #NetworkTab.
If the site is behind #Cloudflare or #Amazon or contains #Google trackers consider "#searxing" for and #sharing an article on another site. Your efforts will be rewarded in ways you might not immediately recognise.
#PSA #deleteBigTech #deleteAmazon #deleteCloudflare #deleteGoogle
#NetworkTab #cloudflare #amazon #google #searxing #sharing #psa #deleteBigTech #deleteamazon #deletecloudflare #deletegoogle