Latest work from our lab examining the interface between tumour initiation and embryonic cell fate decisions: a great collaboration with Florian Halbritter, spearheaded by Ingrid Saldana-Guerrero and Luis Montano-Gutierrez (all Mastodon-less, I think) #devbiol #Devbiol #stemcell #cancer #neuroblastoma #neuralcrest
#NeuralCrest #neuroblastoma #cancer #stemcell #devbiol
Latest work from our lab examining the interface between tumour initiation and embryonic cell fate decisions: a great collaboration with Florian Halbritter, spearheaded by Ingrid Saldana-Guerrero and Luis Montano-Gutierrez (all Mastodon-less, I think) #devbiol #Devbiol #stemcell #cancer #neuroblastoma #neuralcrest
#NeuralCrest #neuroblastoma #cancer #stemcell #devbiol