Neuro-evo conference at HHMI Janelia on May 15-18, 2023. Join us for the third edition!
Application deadline: Jan 27 (11:59 p.m. EST) 2023.
"Historically, with the study of the most convenient animal models —from the giant axon of the squid and the lobster's stomatogastric circuits to Aplysia's synapses and C. elegans' circuits — neuroscientists revealed some of the operating principles of the nervous system, which were then found to apply broadly across phyla. The third instalment of this meeting will once again bring together neuroscientists working on a broad diversity of animal models in an effort to compare circuits across phyla as a means to crack their function."
#NeuroEvo #Janelia #HHMI #conference #science #academia #neuroscience #DevBio #connectomics #connectome
#academia #neuroscience #science #DevBio #connectomics #connectome #NeuroEvo #Janelia #HHMI #conference