Dimos Karamanlis · @dimokaramanlis
198 followers · 28 posts · Server qoto.org

Our new work with @TimGollisch and team is now out as a @biorxivpreprint!

We found that gaze shifts in natural movies drive concerted responses in populations of retinal ganglion cells. We think that these concerted responses violate the decorrelation prediction of efficient coding in a cell-type-specific manner in both marmosets and mice.

Check the manuscript for more details!


#neuroscience #NeuroNewPaper

Last updated 2 years ago

Ken Miller · @kendmiller
921 followers · 34 posts · Server qoto.org

For neuro paper threads: sigmoid.social/about/more has already claimed and (the latter announcing a paper without a thread) for the AI community. I enjoy seeing their papers too, but we need a distinct tag for neuro papers. For a thread, somebody suggested a , and I had suggested a , but maybe we want something simple like and ? or mix and match, like for a thread and for a paper w/o a thread?? Decisions, decisions.

I nominate @NicoleCRust to be the hashtag czar. Decide for us Nicole! (And anyone else, weigh in to help inform our czar!) And from your lips, or at least typing fingers, to the Mastodon's ears ...

@toddhorowitz @LeonDLotter @phdstudents @academicchatter @neuroscience @cognition

#newpaper #mastopiece #PaperThread #tootsuite #NeuroPaperThread #NeuroNewPaper #NeuroSuite #NeuroPaper #neuroscience

Last updated 2 years ago