Neurodivergent people have much to offer and should be included in policy and legislation discussions among other things. Different thinking brings new ideas for a broader, more enlightened view. Remember when the world was thought to be flat?

E.A.R.N. - The Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion provides a "Toolkit" educating employers about Neurodivergent Thinkers and the unique value they bring. The guide linked below includes a lot of info encouraging the hiring and accommodation of neurodivergent individuals.

From the EARN page:
"In 2019, the Employer Roundtable published the “Autism @ Work Playbook” help employers explore innovative approaches to finding, recruiting, hiring and supporting neurodivergent workers."

Thanks to EARN for their part in helping to . Without , there would be no light bulbs, spaceflight, or internet. There would be no Star Trek communicator to inspire the mobile phone. If one day, we can use our phones to say "beam me up", Neurodivergent Thinkers will likely "energize" that advancement as well.

Link to EARN's toolkit:

Image from this article discussing employers ND stigmatude:

#teardownthewall #NeurodivergentThinking #neurodiversity #neurodivergence #outsidethebox #disability #inclusion #diversity #stigmatude #accommodation #actuallyautistic #brainInjury #TBI #dyslexia #endableism #DisabilitySolidarity #neurodivergentandproud #InvisibleDisabilityRights

Last updated 2 years ago

Despite the attitudes of some:

Everyone is is part of the human race.

Everyone is equal.

Just as important, everyone has worth and can make valuable contributions to society if and when allowed.

, # #

#inclusion #acceptance #accessability #accommodation #support #love #equality #NeurodivergentThinking #neurodivergent #TBI #actuallyautistic #disability #DisabilityRights

Last updated 2 years ago

Lmao!! This will probably go over the heads of many. I however, 💛 it.

Its always the thinkers, ain't it? rocks!


Last updated 2 years ago

“I couldn't really imagine, what it's like to not imagine…” 


Imagine…rather picture.. no, visualize a place in your m.....

What if none of these were an option for your brain?  No going to your happy place, where the flowers are in bloom and the tea is hot?  No being comforted by the golden sunset on the beach, or the vista from atop the mountain in your minds eye.  Yes, “I couldn't really imagine what it's like to not imagine…”

The experience of those that live with Aphantasia, can be accompanied by memory issues and difficulty remembering faces. This is not to say, that these individuals cannot retain information, or remember intricate detail.  When giving descriptions, people with Aphantasian will often cite detailed facts and data, rather than using imagery. Many are likely to be introverted, as well.

Some information on Aphantasia, dates back to the1880s but, there hasn’t been a lot of attention on the subject until recent years. The brain’s cerebral cortex is thought to function differently, causing interference with mental visualization. One view on Aphantasia considers, it may only be a different way of thinking; suggesting the Neurodivergent, rather than the neurological.

With Hyperphantasia, some people experience powerful imagery generation within the mind; or being said to have “Photorealistic Imagination”.

"Typically, individuals with hyper-imagination are able to construct imagery that is beyond detailed and brightly outlined—resulting in some individuals having the capability even to experience a 360-degree vision.."

Paul Deretskiy

The contrast between Aphantasia and Hyperphantasia, is just another fascinating reflection of the human mind.  The links below are definitely a rabbit hole worth exploring. It seems I may know a bit about photorealistic imagery, as well as little more about myself.   Imagining what one with Aphantasia may experience, I’m at a loss...

I imagine it may feel… like “being blind in your mind”.  I couldn’t imagine, “what it’s like not to imagine”.

"Brain" Artwork below by John Hain: Buy him a cup?

Paul Deretskiy’s piece:

Photorealistic  Imagination:


UK Aphantasia discussion:

When you are blind in your mind:

What is Aphantasia:

#photorealisticimagination #aphantasia #hyperphantasia #aphasia #wernickesarea #brocasarea #visualization #DisabilitySolidarity #imagination #CrossDisabilitySupport #actuallyautistic #brainInjury #visualimpairment #visualcortex #NeurodivergentThinking #invisibledisabilities #equality #InvisibleDisabilityRights #imagine

Last updated 2 years ago

New: Revised Hashtag Intro.
Click here 🧠 to expand.
The Proverbial list Evolved:



Behind and beside in :solidarity: : Kahnawá:ke for

:solidarity: !!

Un peu de moi?
Je ne parle pas couramment Français. I like using

Ex- Passé
💐⚘🌺🏵 extraordinaire.
Et Bien plus encore

Original profile is informational only.

New posts and communication will originate from § Voice and § Deux:
The character count affords me accommodation.
🙏, ✌️, 💛, :solidarity: for "👥🫂👤" with
Just like many of us, this list is incomplete and still evolving.

Don't forget the ALT text.

#DisabilitySolidarity #DisabledCommunity #endableism #InvisibleDisabilityRights #StopAbleistHate #disabilityadvocacy #passionate #disabledvoicesunite #CrossDisabilitySupport #inclusion #ListeningEar #Here4All #NeurodivergentThinking #neurodiversity #ConcussionAwareness #TBI #abi #AnoxicBrainInjury #brainInjury #SpineInjury #fibromyalgia #limbdifference #actuallyautisic #orthopedicdisabilities #sticksandstones #brokenbones #naturespharmaceutical #disabilityacceptance #endableisthatecrime #stopableistslurs #disabilityeconomicjustice #cripthevote #DisabilityLobby #humaninterest #nonpartisan #research #education #knowledge #unityconquers #teardownthewall #civilrights #mentalhealth #endracism #endbigotry #landback #gratitude #lgbtqia #blm #womenrights #equalpay #stopviolence #StopAsianHate #poc #everyone #beyou #BeNice #hastagsnobodywilleversearch #filmmaking #writing #poetry #musician #songwriter #gardencreator #flowergardens #accommodation #invisibledisabilities

Last updated 2 years ago

Interesting conversations last night..
Today, some asked questions? Clarification?


"It was right after he bribed me with a bag dill pickle flavored potato chips, and a half eaten piece of sushi. 

After that, I just don't know. I was just clicking the follow button with no regard for Aunt Gertrude.

The dill powder on the chips must have been laced with Funion dust.
I'll never do that again, that's for sure.

I'm usually the followed, not follower.  I think it's the deodorant I use... "Eau Du Bologna Sandwich".  It's French,  you know."

"Make it John Morrell bologna and you got a new disciple"

 ME: "You got it, but I call them "Jockularistians" not disciples.
 Ok, Jockularistian Anon?"


ME:. "Hey wait, you already follow and you signed the contract in Dijon mustard already.
Start clicking jockularistians !!!

Where's the dang dill pickle potato chip emoji on this thing. Anyway."🥪

Yes, I'm very neurptypical. 😉

#jokes #humor #jocularity #jovial #laughorcrumble #laugh #comedy #bologna #comedians #comicreleif #funions #Silly #frenchcuisine #sushi #gertrude #neurodivergence #NeurodivergentThinking #hastagsnobodywilleversearch

Last updated 2 years ago

· @OutOfExile_IDR
38 followers · 57 posts · Server

Did you know? has a support line just for Persons with disabilities. It can be very helpful for people that have limitations with written communication.

The is only for persons with disabilities or, help with accessibility accessories. They seem to be working to in this regard. The response time is not too bad either. What's the longest that you've waited on hold.
The number is: (800) 936-5900

constantly seems to be developing innovation, with the in mind. Thier page is user friendly, dividing links by and need. Tools for people with mobility, visual and hearing impairments, are only a small part.

Among the many disability-specific links, are pages to assist those with . and pages, along with some accessories game changers. Limb Difference accessories for Xbox, well... Guess who could be a gamer with EA , again.

Thanks for thinking of, and accommodating our community MS. Other companies that just fire their Accessability Team, could learn from your example.

Microsoft Tech Support Helpline - (800) 936-5900




MS Accessability Home:

#microsoft #helpline #EndAbleism #microsoftaccessibility #disabilitycommunity #accessability #disabilityaccessories #invisibledisabilities #neurodivergence #MentalHealth #disabilitygaming #NHL #GoBolts #disabilityonly #LimbDifference #mobiliy #disabilities #TBI #InvisibleDisabilityRights #pstd #DisabilitySolidarity #NeurodivergentThinking #gamingaccessories #techsupport

Last updated 2 years ago

· @OutOfExile_IDR
38 followers · 55 posts · Server

[Spinning" is not the political or media kind but, does require a pen. No hand to hand occurred. This is a concept about the power of words. Choose them wisely.]

"Inside My Spinning"

Here to pass the time,
I hide inside my spinning,
away from all the nettles fenced around.
Somewhere far away are all the saplings I have trampled under foot,
wailing for recompence,
thier recompence not found.

So, to mend the wounds of conscience,
I hide inside my spinning.
Battles hand to hand yet rage,
though I have not a part;
twas, the rudder of my ship's the cause.
The foolish prose of mine disperse,
as words of anger start.

So, I seek the theraputic,
my spinning through the time.
Deep inside the lion roars...
the wheel squeaks...
searching for compation,
there is no peace of mind,

The lion yet has much to learn,
in the jungle of the meek.
Tread softly, carry no stick.
For thunderous steps cause doves to fly,
and weapons kill the peace we seek.

So, the lion journeys on,
a shattered dream,
a broken train of thought.
Yet is is written, someday he will find:

Compassion, peace and understanding;
all the things that he has sought.

But for now to pass the time,
I live behind a spoken mime.
Adrift aloft this swirling rhyme,
For now to pass the time...
I hide inside my spinning.

Out of Exile - IDR. 1992

Primary Profile:

#poetry #selfreflection #findingpeace #selfawareness #writing #prose #philosophy #PoetryCommunity #invisibledisability #neurodivergence #NeurodivergentThinking #hastagsnobodywilleversearch

Last updated 2 years ago

· @OutOfExile_IDR
7 followers · 7 posts · Server