PhilippaB · @PhilippaB
107 followers · 502 posts · Server

I’ve done some cleaning today and watched some tv. Tried to do my online course but had no motivation.

I hate feeling low.

How do other stay motivated?

#Neurodivergents #autistic

Last updated 1 year ago

OMG. Wife found a TikTok talking about this site. I tried out and it’s legit. Might actually be super useful for some people. Intended for and had several features to make life easier, including automagically breaking a task down into a series of manageable, logical steps. There are other features where for example you can feed it a paragraph you wrote and it will judge the feel and mood of the text so you can see how it actually “came across”. Check it out!


Last updated 1 year ago

ADHDel-DRAFT-v10-final (2).doc · @del
262 followers · 2113 posts · Server

@Vchat20 There was a time when email clients were commercial. Then they went free. Now many are freemium if not straight up paid-for only.

It’s inevitable that a few companies will try to remonetize the web browser but for the first to be the one that claim to be for ? That’s a kick in the teeth.


Last updated 2 years ago

I submitted a proposal to include the Neurodivergent and Autistic symbols in the default set of software. You can read it here:

“Building a More Inclusive Future: Adding Neurodivergent and Autistic Symbols to Fediverse Default Emojis”

It was also added in as “Accessibility and Diversity best-practices” by Arnold Schrijver ( ). It is available here:

Please reshare/boost/retoot, and hopefully we can all work together to achieve this goal.

Have a great day everyone!

[Tags: ]

#emoji #au #AuDHD #autistics #Neurodivergents #fediverse #fedidocs #accessibility #diversity #bestpractices #inclusion #a11y #ux #inclusivity #adhd #actuallyautistic #actuallyautistics #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #autistic #neurodivergence #Neurodifferent

Last updated 2 years ago

William Canna-bass · @JizzelEtBass
143 followers · 2962 posts · Server

The Bidens ordered the same dish at a restaurant. Who does that? - Apparently the writer has never met before?

My GF and I often order the same thing, especially at Applebee's, the fiesta chicken can't be beat.


Last updated 2 years ago

Jessica :infinity_rainbow: · @Jessica
1019 followers · 2312 posts · Server
AmberWavesoFlame · @AmberWavesofFlame
104 followers · 149 posts · Server

@Yoshi @rferl @yoshi @rferl I’m an ADHD-addled American but I’m also a grump that hates those things. I do however, like most of my fellow , have well-seared memories of what it’s like to be bullied, gaslit, and have our boundaries steamrolled, so my prediction based on what I’ve seen so far is that WE won’t be the ones to let down. Maybe look to the crowd that taught you ableist slurs are okay for the superficiality that you expect.

#Neurodivergents #ukraine

Last updated 2 years ago

Sarilas · @bilateralhaze
1 followers · 1 posts · Server

Did I purposefully wait for to make my post? Nope, I forgot like the good I am.

Graduated college for and in my 40’s to be a change maker in and . Late life neurospicy diagnoses straight saved my life. Thanks, ! (And also, screw you for ignoring with uteruses.) Speaking of which, I birthed four pretty cool humans and they all still speak to me.

Called home for tenish years with stints in , , , and , but heading home to Southern is on the horizon.

I’m related to a guy who knows a guy.

#wintersolstice #introduction #neurodivergent #paralegal #business #hr #labor #Science #patriarchy #Neurodivergents #winning #cascadia #northcarolina #tennessee #arizona #nevada #oregon #california

Last updated 2 years ago

Bill Taroli :neurodiversity: · @btaroli
84 followers · 780 posts · Server

@joshsusser @actuallyautistic OMG yea. This thread should be read in it’s entirety.

It’s difficult for a lot of people to recognize how the less extreme of — sometimes referenced as — has larger effects. It’s been found in studies that are very disturbed when interacting with when they are unaware of their difference. They tend to avoid or bully. These subtle, quiet reactions have an impact.

#intolerance #difference #microaggressions #allistics #Neurodivergents

Last updated 2 years ago

Marika Galanis · @marikagalanis
54 followers · 221 posts · Server

Kuinka vaikeaa on tehdä yksi samperin nettitilaus??

-vaikeaa, peijakkaan vaikeaa!!!

Se on roikkunut jo yli viikon ostoskorissa enkä vieläkään osaa päättää ”olisko siinä kaikki”

Tunnistaako muut samaa vaikeutta?

Nyt ei muuta kuin hyvää yötä tyypit 🥱


Last updated 2 years ago

Pink Lady Crypto · @Pinkladycrypto
43 followers · 168 posts · Server
Richard Littler · @Richard_Littler
11274 followers · 829 posts · Server

People always seem to be trapped by the paradox of wanting creative works that are i. commercial (pander to expectations) and ii. 'think outside the box' (defy expectations). are hardwired outside of the box & I think more original thinkers ( or not) should be promoted in commercial contexts just to see if their stuff finds an audience, perhaps even encouraging new ways of thinking about books/films/arts. We need to take more risks

#Neurodivergents #nd

Last updated 2 years ago