I remember
Sitting on the couch
My mom was braiding my hair
Getting me ready for preschool
When she stopped
I don’t remember what she said but it made me look at the TV
The news was on. There was a tall building with black smoke coming out of it
That image is so vivid even though I didn’t understand what was happening
My mom acted strange, but she still took me to preschool
Once I was older and understood what had happened, I’ve thought about that memory every 9/11 since
#NeverForget when we had a one hundred and eighteen 9/11's worth of American deaths in 2020 due to COVID, and the US government dragged their feet every step of the way in prevention measures.
#NeverForget John "Torture Memos" Yoo now teaches law at UC Berkely. The guy who signed the memos, Jay Bybee, is now a senior judge in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
#NeverForget John "Torture Memo" Yoo now teaches law at UC Berkely. The guy who signed the memos, Jay Bybee, is now a senior judge in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
In late September 2001 I made my first business commute into New York City after the terrible attacks.
Seeing countless missing posters created with home printers hit me hard. The soft rain that day made me feel like the city itself was weeping, mourning its fallen and missing.
I wrote this song "Stand Tall United" on my walk to my client's building. Twenty years later, I sang it again for the camera at a local 9/11 memorial site.
I have an annual reminder on my phone for today so I #NeverForget that today is the anniversary of the day I fixed the stove by replacing its circuit board.
I remember the Patriot Act. I remember "enhanced interrogation." I remember Abu Ghraib. I remember Nisour Square. I remember two decade-long wars that we only just finally extricated ourselves from. I remember an endless campaign of drone strikes. I remember oceans of blood spilt and human rights erroded or ignored.
You'll excuse me, if I don't think that the people waving the flag and saying #NeverForget have the faintest clue about the significance of 9/11.
My memories from September 11, 2001:
I was at my son's grade school, volunteering in the media center.
Hoy recordamos con profunda tristeza y respeto los trágicos eventos del 11 de septiembre de 2001.
Hace 22 años que miles de personas perdieron sus vidas en un acto de violencia sin precedentes. En este día, nuestros corazones están con las víctimas y sus seres queridos.
Queremos rendir homenaje a los valientes bomberos y demás servicios de emergencia, que enfrentaron el peligro con coraje y determinación. Un acto de heroísmo que nunca olvidaremos.
#NeverForget #11deseptiembre #honor911
I was in class staring at the TV, the school went from the usual chatter to crying, calling, and administration fielding parents calls (if/when they got through) we were 30 minutes from the Pentagon, we had family working there…I will never forget.
#NeverForget #911 #September11
#NeverForget on this day of all days that Giuliani has willingly & knowingly been actively part of an effort to overthrow U.S. #democracy - the very thing many Americans have given their lives to protect.
#nineeleven #patriotday #september11 #weremember911 #Democracy #NeverForget
That view of 40 planes lined up in a herringbone pattern at dusk at #Halifax airport was just a vivid 22yr memory until I came across this article just now.
What the folks at the airport and surrounding area did to welcome and support so many stranded passengers without warning was just incredible.
I will never forget their genuine kindness at a time when the world felt like it was being shaken to its foundations.
#NeverForget #novascotia #halifax
@Frances_Larina #NeverForget that #RussiaIsATerroristState. Stay safe!
#NeverForget #RussiaIsATerroristState
« War is never a solution;
it is an aggravation. »
Benjamin Disraeli
#1September1939 #neverforget #WW2 #MakeLoveNotWar #peace #paix #vrede #paz #Frieden #Disraeli 🕊️
#disraeli #frieden #paz #vrede #paix #Peace #makelovenotwar #ww2 #NeverForget #1september1939