My speaking time yesterday in the #EP on the 2022 report on #BosniaAndHerzegovina. My demand to the Commissioner: let’s sanction Dodik and his blatant secessionist policy! ##NeverForgetSrebrenica
#EP #BosniaandHerzegovina #NeverForgetSrebrenica
"Never Forget Srebrenica / 11 July 1995"
Almost 30 years has passed since Europe was shaken by the genocide of more than 8000 muslim boys and men in the Bosnian city of Srebrenica, at the hands of Bosnian Serb troops during an operation of ethnic cleansing, witnessed by UN peacekeeping troops who failed resoundingly in their protection mission.
Since then, limited justice has been rendered by international tribunals, and the repeated denial by several government officials of what happened reminds us of the still pressing need for the international community to support efforts to obtain truth, justice and reparation for victims and survivors.
In the midst of the conflict in the Balkans during the 1990’s, the small city of Srebrenica, in Eastern Bosnia, was established as a “safe area” by the UN for civilians fleeing fights between Bosnian government and separatist Serb forces, during the breakup of Yugoslavia.
On 11 July 1995, Serb forces attacked Srebrenica lead by Bosnian Serb General Ratko Mladić, conducting a ten-day operation to take over Srebrenica and subject it to ethnic cleansing. More than 8000 people were killed, mainly Bosnian muslim boys and men.
Today we commemorate #Srebrenica.
28 years later, we cannot forget the lessons of 1995:
Truth is not compatible with Denial. Justice is not compatible with Impunity. Peace is not compatible with Aggression.
Never again. #NeverForgetSrebrenica
#Srebrenica #NeverForgetSrebrenica
Le 11 juillet 1995, débutait la tragédie du génocide de #Srebrenica : plus de 8 000 musulmans bosniaques abattus et près de 30 000 femmes, enfants et personnes âgées déplacés de force.
#NeverForgetSrebrenica #Srebrenica
RT Enhedslisten.EU
Never again shall the international community turn a blind eye on mass murder, ethnic cleansing and #genocide.
These were parts of @nvillumsen's words at the EU-Parliament commemoration of #Srebrenica
#NeverForgetSrebrenica #EPlenary
#Genocide #Srebrenica #NeverForgetSrebrenica #EPlenary
RT Enhedslisten.EU
EU-Parlamentets taler til minde om folkemordet i #Srebrenica for 28 år siden dækkes af bosniske medier, der bl.a. citerer @nvillumsen tale på vegne af Venstrefløjsgruppen 👇
#EPlenary #NeverForgetSrebrenica #eudk #dkpol
#Srebrenica #EPlenary #NeverForgetSrebrenica #eudk #dkpol
Today in the #EuropeanParliament we commemorated those horrible events that started 28 years ago today.
Events that should by all be recognised as what they were: #genocide
I had the honour of speaking on behalf of the @Left_EU group, this was my speech.
#EuropeanParliament #Genocide #NeverForgetSrebrenica
RT Aida Hodzic
#EuropeanParliament was united on this 11th July in sending the message #NeverForgetSrebrenica
Thank you @paulorangel_pt @Tineke_Strik @violavoncramon @TPicula @thomaswaitz @KGroselj @ijoveva @schieder @karmel80 @samiraraf @dinogiarrusso @FMCastaldo @davidlega @milan_brglez …
#EuropeanParliament #NeverForgetSrebrenica
Re Daher dürfen wir dieses und andere Verbrechen nicht vergessen, sondern sollten uns geschlossen gegen Nationalismus stellen - auch die EU ist da in der Verantwortung. #NeverForgetSrebrenica
On the 28th commemoration of Srebrenica, the European Parliament pays its respect to the victims of this horrific genocide.
In Europe, there is no place for those denying or glorifying genocide and war crimes.
#NeverForgetSrebrenica #NoGenocideDenial
Heute erinnern wir an den Genozid in Srebrenica im Juli 1995 & die 8.372 verlorenen Menschenleben. Als EU- Parlament haben wir die Verantwortung klarzumachen, dass es keine Toleranz für Genozidleugnung geben darf.
(Foto: Emir Suljagić)
Today the EU-Parliament will mark the 28th years since the #SrebrenicaGenocide began.
Men and boys were executed, women raped, children traumatized and the whole Bosniak community forced from their homes.
We must #NeverForgetSrebrenica!
#EPlenary #eudk
#SrebrenicaGenocide #NeverForgetSrebrenica #EPlenary #eudk
Es aconsejable, en tiempos de creciente nacionalismo extremo y odio, reflexionar a dónde ello nos puede llevar. Hoy, 11 de julio, es día internacional de recuerdo del genocidio de Srebrenica. Miremos a esta flor de Srebrenica para no olvidar.
It's advisable, in times of growing far nationalism and hatred, where it might lead us. Today, 11th July is the International Remembrance of the Srebrenica Genocide, look to this Srebrenica flower to not forget.
🇧🇦 27 años de una masacre inexplicable para las generaciones futuras.
De ello aprendemos que la paz, aunque sea lo que nos mueve, no siempre estará garantizada.
Cuidemos el presente de los discursos de odio del pasado.
#Srebrenica27 #SrebrenicaGenocide #NeverForgetSrebrenica
RT @PSOEInternacion: Alrededor de 8600 personas fueron asesinadas en #srebrenica la mayoría bosnios musulmanes. Una masacre por odio en el corazón de #Europa hace apenas 27 años.
Siempre en la memoria. #NeverForgetSrebrenica
#Srebrenica #Europa #NeverForgetSrebrenica
27 Jahre nach dem Völkermord in #Srebrenica gibt es immer noch Familien die nicht wissen, wo ihre Angehörige beerdigt sind. Immer noch gibt es Kriegsverbrecher, die nicht zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden. Das dürfen wir nie vergessen. #NeverForgetSrebrenica
#Srebrenica #NeverForgetSrebrenica
Today marks 27 years since the #SrebrenicaGenocide where over 8.000 Bosnian Muslims were murdered.
#Srebrenica is a stark reminder that we must stand united against hate, division and evil, and never let it go unchallenged.
#SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebrenica #NeverForgetSrebrenica
8.327….. #NeverForgetSrebrenica #SrebrenicaGenocide
RT @dieBKMO: Heute am 11. Juli gedenken wir der mehr als 8.000 bosnischen Muslime, die durch den Genozid der bosnisch-serbischen Truppen unter Ratko Mladić in Srebrenica ermordet wurden. Wir dürfen diese Tat nicht vergessen.
#Srebrenica #SrebrenicaGenocide
#NeverForgetSrebrenica #SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebrenica