RT @Scarletmum26@twitter.com
Apologies to my followers who keep seeing this on their timeline. I’m tweeting in in response to any tweet backing the return of Johnson
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Scarletmum26/status/1584126870739890176
RT @ChrisyDrThomas
@jacquep @ArtistHarding No I did not - when my daughters 35yro partner died I didn’t travel the 100 miles to see her or attend the funeral - we stayed home and followed the rules - Johnson devalued all that we did and I feel stupid now #Partygate #JohnsonTheLiar #JohnsonLiedPeopleDied #NeverJohnson
#Partygate #JohnsonTheLiar #JohnsonLiedPeopleDied #NeverJohnson
RT @BDoug99
Can I encourage Tory MPs to submit their letters of no confidence in Johnson now? Saves a lot of fussing about later, thanks awfully. #GTTO #JohnsonStayOut #NeverJohnson
#gtto #JohnsonStayOut #NeverJohnson