Coyote · @Coyote
471 followers · 5155 posts · Server

@drgo That's what excites me most, finding the logic flaws in scientific information that's out there, it's something I think is important to do in today's world...

#CallMeFactChecker #NeverTakeMeSeriously #trustnothing

Last updated 3 years ago

Coyote · @Coyote
471 followers · 5155 posts · Server

"Hashtag pair logic has officially broken twitter censorship now, IMHO, self appointed official."

"self appointed official" means everything I said is bullshit, just my own "that's fucking an epic change that happened I can qualify but not quantify" snark.


Last updated 3 years ago

Coyote · @Coyote
471 followers · 5155 posts · Server

PSA: My warning label.

I will, push, and push, into what you can not handle if you push me. My only bounds are logic. If you start feeding me bullshit, I feed stupider bullshit right back.

if you want to stay safe.

Reality is not what you perceive or want it to me, it's what is, and it's more vast than you can comprehend.

Find the mute button, learn to use it. Someday, you will use it on me, and I won't be offended. I promise.

Open minds.


Last updated 3 years ago

Coyote · @Coyote
471 followers · 5155 posts · Server

@mrman Thank you, so much. You are amazing. But, give it time... I rant a lot, at some point it will be about something you could care less about. I don't get offended easily but anything much other than genuine exhibitions of gross stupidity. And no one has time for ALL my bullshit ;-)

and always (not to you, I'm just hash-tagging shit because I believe it's a powerful and under used tool)

#NeverTakeMeSeriously #doyourownresearch

Last updated 3 years ago