@manton by way of disclosure, #neverTrump, and yet I have to say, this is playing out, after a fashion, as the #OrangeMenace predicted, https://youtu.be/lkz7xgsPGmQ
It's infuriating, embarrassing, and shameful. The #GOP abandoned all principles and common decency to elect a proven liar, fraud and apparently soon to be proven criminal Trump to represent the United States.
Now, not only still supporting their seditious ex-POTUS, they repeat the madness by enabling another proven liar, fraud & apparent criminal fugitive of Brazilian law George Santos. Shame!
#gop #votedemocrat2024 #neverrepublican #neversantos #NeverTrump
Good morning Tuskers.
Cloudy start to the day here on the Red Sea and the temperature is only 26°C at 10:00. I guess it's going to be a humid one, with the humidity already at 38%.
Let's see how the politicians of the world try to mess things up for us today.
#FBPE #FBPR #GTTO #NeverTrump
I'm hoping that similar to #NeverTrump Republicans that there will be #NeverDeSantis Republicans because he is a bigoted POS.
The #NeverTrump Camp Apparently Does Want WWIII Politics, War https://ift.tt/Ld4igZt
The Other McCain brings us Never Take Military Advice From (Or Give Money to) #NeverTrump Grifters.
Rick Wilson, Twitter personnality extrodinaire, wants to send the A-10 tank-killer (usuall…