Yikes: UMass Dartmouth's College of Visual and Performing Arts pulled out of New Bedford's downtown, giving students and staff two weeks notice to vacate.
#HigherEd #UMass #UmassDartmouth #NewBedford #Massachusetts #VisualArts #PerformingArts #PublicEducation #FallRiver #Wareham
#highered #umass #umassdartmouth #NewBedford #massachusetts #visualarts #performingarts #publiceducation #fallriver #wareham
Extremely #overdue #book returned to Mass. library 119 years later!
#NewBedford Public #Library Director Olivia Melo reports that a copy of "An Elementary Treatise on Electricity" by James Clerk Maxwell, returned 119 years after it was taken out by a borrower, is in extremely good condition. No fine was paid, though he ran the numbers and calculates that $2,100 would be owed were it not for the posted maximum of just $2, less than it cost to mail it back.
#overdue #book #NewBedford #library
"When the book was last in #NewBedford, the nation was preparing for its second modern #WorldSeries, incumbent Republican President #TheodoreRoosevelt was on track to win another term, Wilbur and #OrvilleWright had conducted their first airplane flight just a year before and #NewYorkCity was celebrating its first subway line." #BooksOfMastodon
An overdue #library book returns 119 years later : NPR
#library #BooksofMastodon #newyorkcity #orvillewright #theodoreroosevelt #worldseries #NewBedford
#EMMANUELLUMA #HepatitisC #OutbreakAlert #NEWBEDFORD #Massachusetts Notice! EMMANUEL LUMA - NEW BEDFORD, Massachusetts https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1782-emmanuel-luma-hepatitisc.aspx?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#EMMANUELLUMA #hepatitisc #OutbreakAlert #NewBedford #massachusetts
At 20 years old, Frederick Douglass escaped to Newport, Rhode Island, but couldn't stay there because it was a slave state. From there he went to New Bedford, Massachusetts, which had a large, free black population. Massachusetts had ended slavery in 1783:
#FrederickDouglass #Massachusetts #NewBedford #slavery #UndergroundRailroad #PBSNewsHour
#frederickdouglass #massachusetts #NewBedford #slavery #undergroundrailroad #pbsnewshour
Nestled along the banks of the #AcushnetRiver at the confluence of #BuzzardsBay sits the port town of #NewBedford #Massachusetts. This is where you will find #ClarksPointlighthouse sitting atop #FortTaber.
Available here: https://tinyurl.com/4spj9jcj
#lighthouse #photography #BuyintoArt #AYearforArt #Prints
My Website: https://phyllistaylor.pixels.com/
#acushnetriver #buzzardsbay #NewBedford #massachusetts #clarkspointlighthouse #forttaber #lighthouse #photography #buyintoart #ayearforart #prints
Hmmm .... intro, intro, intro.
Five places I have lived: #Chinle AZ #Cheyenne WY #SLC UT #NewBedford MA #Lawrence KS #Vermont
Five books on my desk right now: Transfers of Property in 11th C Norman Law #tabuteau , Teaching a Stone to Talk #Dillard , Making Loss Matter #Wolpe , Economic Imperialism #Radnitzky , Elsewhere #Zevin
Five things I will def explore here: #postindustrial realities #placemaking #grief #americanhistory #embodiment
#Chinle #Cheyenne #SLC #NewBedford #lawrence #Vermont #tabuteau #Dillard #Wolpe #Radnitzky #Zevin #postindustrial #placemaking #grief #americanhistory #embodiment
Hmmm .... intro, intro, intro.
Five places I have lived: #Chinle AZ #Cheyenne WY #SLC UT #NewBedford MA #Lawrence KS #Vermont
Five books on my desk right now: Transfers of Property in 11th C Norman Law #tabuteau , Teaching a Stone to Talk #Dillard , Making Loss Matter #Wolpe , Economic Imperialism #Radnitzky , Elsewhere #Zevin
Five things I will def explore here: #postindustrial realities #placemaking #grief #americanhistory #embodiment
#Chinle #Cheyenne #SLC #NewBedford #lawrence #Vermont #tabuteau #Dillard #Wolpe #Radnitzky #Zevin #postindustrial #placemaking #grief #americanhistory #embodiment
Just saw a #MonarchButterfly #Danaus_plexippus in the Greater #NewBedford area of #Massachusetts ! Don’t think I’ve ever seen one out past Halloween before.
#monarchbutterfly #Danaus_plexippus #NewBedford #massachusetts