I've just recently gone back to using the #NewFedilab on this tablet. I keep #OldOldFedilab on my phone for its ability to backup an account's posts, and search them.
#NewFedilab #oldoldfedilab #fdroid #multiuser
Ok, so I've gone back to #NewFedilab to give it a road-test, just because I've not used it in ages.
Immediately missing the ability to have a different set of notification channels for each Fediverse account. But, glad to see other features that I've been missing. So swings and spinney things (;*
The original NSFW timeout in #OldFedilab was coded so if you set the timeout to zero then the image would remain visible unless you hid it again, so just setting the timeout to 0 should work in #NewFedilab
The date on posts want coded the same way, so you'd need to talk to
@apps for that.
Seems a bit churlish to mention that that @apps feature where you tap on the relative date of a post and it turns into the absolute date for five seconds was my addition, so I won't (;*
Shame the #NSFW timeout on images that I also coded no longer works in #NewFedilab
So, after many years I've decided to go back to #Tusky at least on #Bytestar Meanwhile #OldFedilab will stay on #LuciferMorningstar
I'll admit there are things I like about OldFedilab when compared to the current Tusky, but unfortunately #NewFedilab seems to have broken a few of them, and since the Old version will never be updated whereas Tusky will continue to be I guess it's time to move on.
#tusky #Bytestar #OldFedilab #lucifermorningstar #NewFedilab
News: I've gone back to #OldFedilab 2.39 on #Bytestar, since the home timeline in #NewFedilab decided randomly to stop updating despite my force closing, clearing cache and so forth.
Got to be said, I still prefer OldFedilab, in spite of New Fedilab's recent 'improvements'.
#OldFedilab #Bytestar #NewFedilab
Did the fearure to change notification behaviour per account disappear in #NewFedilab or I just couldn't find it?
Something about the scroll / swipe implementation in new #Fedilab feels off compared to the older one...
My scrolling up and down far too often gets interpreted as swiping left and right, perhaps due to scrolling with a slight arc? This never really was an issue before the rewrite.
#fedilab #fedilabbugreport #NewFedilab
@yarmo here's the relevant settings in #fedilab. (It's from the #NewFedilab rewrite, but at least the messages setting was already in the original Fedilab.)
Oh well, there was a small window of opportunity where my crappy #Android 10 Go tablet could just run #NewFedilab but, now, apparently the threshold in complexity has been crossed, and the tablet can no longer cope with it on a regular basis.
Back to the official #Mastodon app for Android.
Please, please don't over complicate it, @Gargron this tablet loves it (:*
#android #NewFedilab #mastodon
Now running #NewFedilab 3.0.1 from #FDroid on #SlowLoris
Not ready to take the plunge on #LuciferMorningstar just yet (:*
#NewFedilab #fdroid #slowloris #lucifermorningstar
Ok, two accounts set up in the #newfedilab on #SlowLoris
Minor issue with the authorisation URL requiring several %20s rather than spaces, but that aside. Looking good (:*
We are really close to a new release, we think it's time to take the turn and publish a version of the #NewFedilab in beta on our official channels.
For #Fdroid that will be done through our repository and for Google users through our beta channel.
That step will need a transfer of data between two databases to make things easier and the most transparent for you.
We are now reworking the moderation feature for the #NewFedilab. Out of curiosity to moderators, have you tried it with #Fedilab?
In coming days, we are going to work on #NewFedilab for #Friendica.
If you are a Friendica user, we will need your help. If you have already an account on #Codeberg that will help for sharing issues.
#codeberg #friendica #NewFedilab
You want to create your own Art timeline with the #NewFedilab?
Really simple, just pin a tag timeline. Then long press the tab and ask for media only. Up to you to add more tags to fill your timelines.
To be clearer, with #Fedilab you have a default art timeline but you can transform every pinned tag timelines in an art timeline. See attached.
If you like that, we can bring it back to the #NewFedilab