Why does this make me laugh so much!
#FileExplorer #filemanager #itadmin #NewFolder
I guess we all have that kind of folder creation where we put things in for later sorting, accumulate, and then forget!
And then we make a new folder sometime after and forget the old!
Was good to read your post - maybe plan for another wave of file sorting...
Guess we find it hard to sort through or piles up as a forever-future thing judging by the ever-now thing!
How to realise what it would be good for and why we were pretty sure at the time that it's not worth deleting ?? ( a bit of a mystery )
My best answers
ANSWER 1 - Do it now even as incomplete work
put files to work right away and then it's done as a thing... somewhat even as token shell of what you want it to be, just as soon as possible as step 1 make it something visible or in practice... it's not a bad idea because even a bad attempt will then bug you to do it better / remind you to tie those other things / or someone else might even help do it with you :)
Oh yeah this year I practise flat-directories - almost only no directories just all in 1 folder... makes it so easy to search AND to avoid it going too far down the page it acts like a chronological list according to when I save so it's a kind of human FIFO/LIFO method depending on how you see it but let's say LSFP "Last Saved, First to Process"
#FlatDirectories = many advantages
#MinHacks #NewFolder #FlatDirectories