@sozialwelten Es geht im Hintergrund immer noch ueber #Internet #Governance und #NewIP
Dazu kommt natuerlich die Kontrolle ueber physikalische #Netzwerkinfrastruktur
#netzwerkinfrastruktur #NewIP #governance #internet
Internet Governance Forum: Der Kitt fürs globale Netz bröckelt
Nach dem Ende des 17. Internet Governance Forum der Vereinten Nationen bleibt unklar, ob die Fragmentierung des Netzes aufzuhalten ist.
#ICANN #IGF17 #Internet #InternetGovernanceForum #Netzpolitik #NewIP #VintonCerf #News
#icann #igf17 #internet #internetgovernanceforum #netzpolitik #NewIP #VintonCerf #news
If you haven't heard of #NewIP yet, time to catch up with this DNS Research Foundation report, published on Oct 10.
> The term ‘New IP’ originally described a set of proposals put forward by Chinese proponents in 2018-2020 that would have created the technical underpinnings for an alternative internet. Those original proposals were rejected, leading many to assume that New IP had gone away – it hasn’t. The original New IP proposals have been rebranded, broken into smaller parts, and re-presented across numerous standards organisations. Even as recently as July 2022, New IP-inspired proposals were being submitted at ITU study group 13 and the IETF.
> As well as posing risks to the continued viability of a single, global Internet, implementing New IP proposals would also threaten human rights and create unpredictable consequences for cybersecurity, for economies and societies.
> The ever-changing strategy to standardize New IP makes it extremely challenging to track. This paper aims to assist policy makers and standards attendees in tracking New IP proposals in three ways [...]
#NewIP #networking #standards #tcpip
RT @etaylaw
UK spy boss warns China hopes Russia will help it take over tech standards #NewIP https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/31/gchq_sir_jeremy_fleming_speech/?utm_medium=share&utm_content=article&utm_source=twitter via @TheRegister
We wrote about #NewIP in the @CHCyberPolicy https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23738871.2020.1805482
https://www.internetsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/ISOC-Discussion-Paper-NewIP-analysis-24April2020.pdf #NewIp : From its inception, the #Internet was designed to interconnect heterogeneous #networks. (...) Proposals for new #protocol systems and architectures should definitively show why the existing work is
not sufficient.
#NewIP #internet #networks #protocol
📬New IP: China präsentiert der UNO neue Internetarchitektur📬 https://tarnkappe.info/new-ip-china-praesentiert-der-uno-neue-internetarchitektur/ #InternationaleTelekommunikationsvereinigungITU #Internetarchitektur #ShoshanaZuboff #ShengJiang #Artikel #Huawei #China #NewIP #UNO
#InternationaleTelekommunikationsvereinigungITU #china #uno #Internetarchitektur #shoshanazuboff #ShengJiang #artikel #huawei #NewIP