@IoanSaid @nicksalt
Health, fitness and the joy of riding! 😊🚴♀️
I've wanted to ride 🚲 since college but I'm not crazy to ride on our streets... 😅
Then #COVID happened and they started putting out band-aids, I mean, painted #BikeLanes. And I thought, now's my chance. Finally! 😃
I expect the band-aids to be replaced by real concrete and greener solutions eventually. We still got a long way to go. Need to get more people on #bikes till it becomes the #NewNormal. 😉
#covid #bikelanes #bikes #NewNormal
so aside from a brief oops last night at a memorial service ( :( ) i've been dairy free for over a week. had some effects from the oops from last night over the past 24 hours. on a happier note, all i need to make #NewNormal #NonDairy #EggplantParmesan are in the fridge. i just need to get some eggplants, squash, shrooms to make my version of this tomorrow. I'm going to take notes, and I'm gonna put together a cookbook. All the delicious things, but w/o dairy. Maybe it'll sell.
#NewNormal #nondairy #eggplantparmesan
Global News BC: B.C. Hydro report shows temporary pandemic routines may be ‘new normal’ https://globalnews.ca/news/9548397/bc-hydro-temporary-pandemic-routines-stay/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #covid-19pandemichabits #COVID-19Pandemic #pandemichabits #WorkFromHome #Lifestyle #newnormal #COVID-19 #bchydro
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #covid #pandemichabits #workfromhome #lifestyle #NewNormal #bchydro
We are #between #ages! So, we need to "reenvison" everything from #9to5 #workdays and #fiveday #weeks, to #urban #mobility and even, #timings of #daycare, #schools, and #restaurants.
Welcome to The Brave New World of Work!
Where #24x7 #work is the #newnormal, done #anywhere, #anytime, and #anyhow.
where I dissect what the end of the #industrial (#smokestack) and the #dawn of the #digitalage (#fourthindustrialrevolution) means for us.
#between #ages #9to5 #workdays #fiveday #weeks #urban #mobility #timings #daycare #schools #restaurants #24x7 #Work #NewNormal #anywhere #anytime #anyhow #industrial #smokestack #dawn #digitalage #fourthindustrialrevolution
How much lockdowns in Europe in 2022! #NewNormal?
Q4 2022: Business bankruptcies highest since 2015
Not many would agree If I say the #covid #pandemic was "good" in some ways. However, the #transition to the #digitalage with our utter dependence on #technology was both a blessing and a curse.
There is much that was "bad" about #covid19pandemic and indeed, worse with the absolute degradation of humans being the "ugly" part.
I explore these and offer some insights for where we are headed in the #newnormal of the #postpandemic #world.
#covid #pandemic #transition #digitalage #Technology #COVID19pandemic #NewNormal #postpandemic #world
i will get my sense of humour back if we fix pan-endemic COVID 😭
eradication is hard, but we don't say "global eradication of bubonic plague is impossible because of animal hosts, so let's all catch plague a few times every year!"
AND #Australia successfully avoids #endemic #plague, it's currently only in less fortunate places like the #USA
COVID would be harder than plague, but i can't cope with my small country giving up and accepting 14,000 extra deaths per year as our #NewNormal ?
#australia #endemic #plague #usa #NewNormal
Great editorial. Astute observations
“The efforts of #HealthCareWorkers are now taken for granted. It’s just expected — this is the “#NewNormal”. The ongoing marginalisation and isolation of #vulnerable populations is also just taken for granted, expected, and part of the “new normal”. Is this really the future we choose for ourselves? Community awareness is gone. #PublicHealth messaging is absent, and government seems very comfortable to continue with the status quo.”
#HealthCareWorkers #NewNormal #vulnerable #publichealth
Fox News posts an article with the title "OPINION: Hanukkah made western civilization possible" and a troll replies "opinion: hitler made this ratio possible" and that was on December 22nd.
No sign that any action was taken. Troll is still merrily posting. This is the future for Musk's Twitter and nobody is going to stop him because everyone has become far too dependent on it.
Your political representatives won't leave. Most of them fear him too much to complain. The press will only talk about it for a little while longer before the subject stops generating clicks. And the public will start paying him $96 a year very soon to keep these trolls off their feed.
#twitter #birdsite #ElonMusk #antisemitism #NewNormal
Is it any surprise that #hybridwork was named #wordoftheyear by Forbes , endorsed by Glassdoor echoed by the Financial Times.
As the #newworldofwork becomes the #newnormal, #corporates have to necessarily #adapt and #adjust to the nouveau #work #models.
The combination of #workfromhome and #workfromoffice is what more #firms ought to embrace in the #postpandemicworkplace.
It is "jarring" to note that #elonmusk continues to "order" their #employees #backtooffice.
#hybridwork #wordoftheyear #newworldofwork #NewNormal #corporates #adapt #adjust #Work #models #workfromhome #workfromoffice #firms #postpandemicworkplace #elonmusk #employees #backtooffice
Trying to find my voice in new spaces #newnormal #ObGynodon #BlackMastodon #BlackJoy #BlackFedi
#NewNormal #ObGynodon #blackmastodon #blackjoy #BlackFedi
Also, for completion of my rant: the "visibility and connection" nonsense works out to me sitting my my cubicle on Wednesdays, having all of two interactions in person that could have, and would have on any other day, been Teams messages or calls with full efficiency and productivity.
#NewNormal now please?
Fortunate to have made a brief trip to Paris to chair a meeting. Special also because my daughter came. We managed to avoid picking up any viral particles - ate outdoors whole time and masked inside/on plane. #newnormal
I firmly believe that the standard office script, and likely a fair percentage of work or life scripts in general, was written by and for extroverts. Pandemic restrictions gave me a taste of a working style more compatible with who I am, and I’d like to see the script be flipped, creating a #NewNormal that works for everyone, and not just the loudest voices. We have a unique opportunity to rebuild the future better than it looked before, but it won’t be the only such opportunity we see.
Took a train to New York. Walked in a close crowd for blocks. Attended sell-out performance of Hamilton ,, , and now feel like I need to take a COVID test despite masking. #NewNormal
Es ist halt traurig dass immer noch die Mehrheit in Deutschland, die Mehrheit auf der Welt, glaubt dass #Klimaschutz und #Umdenken überall nur nicht bei sich selbst beginnen sollte ...
Hitze wird damit schlicht das #NewNormal.
#klimaschutz #Umdenken #NewNormal
Lunch time. I wanted pasta. Couldn't find a pasta place -- I'm not at my usual mall hangout. 🤷 Went for something safe and familiar...
Hadn't dined at #Starbucks in a while since the authorities started the No Vaccine No Dine-In policy. (It's terrible, I know.) So pleased to have my frappuccino in a glass, with a spoon for stirring and easy drinking... No straw! 😃👍
Had a #holiday ham sandwich and peppermint frappuccino. Of course! 😉 #Christmas #covid19 #NewNormal
#Starbucks #holiday #christmas #covid19 #NewNormal
Family lunch was #food delivery from a fave restaurant. It came rather late, so we had cake and coffee before lunch came. 😄🍰☕ Who says you gotta have the meal before the dessert? 🤪
Celebrating a birthday. Used to be we'd make reservations at a resto and my siblings and their families all show up. Now, celebrations are just with whoever you live with.
And we live with elderlies. Don't wanna be importing/exporting germs between cities. 🤷♀️ #NewNormal #covid19 #StayHome #PhysicalDistancing
#food #NewNormal #covid19 #StayHome #PhysicalDistancing