🎉 "Public Pre-Primary and Maternal Employment in Algeria: Evidence from a Natural Experiment." with Moundir Lassassi just published in World Bank Economic Review! https://doi.org/10.1093/wber/lhad024
#NewPaperAlert #econresearch #mena
Mein erster Tröt kommt direkt mit spannenden Neuigkeiten: #NewPaperAlert
Die neue Studie zeigt, dass der Einsatz von algorithmischen Systemen im Personalwesen das Vertrauen von Arbeitnehmenden in ihre Vorgesetzten mindern kann, bis zu einem Punkt, an dem sie über einen Jobwechsel nachdenken. Zur #openaccess Studie zum Thema #PeopleAnalytics geht es hier ⬇️
#PeopleAnalytics #openaccess #NewPaperAlert
"The Contribution of High-Skilled Immigrants to Innovation in the United States"
#NewPaperAlert by Berstein et al. —> https://www.nber.org/papers/w30797 #LaborEcon
Uses a remarkably innovative strategy for causal identification by tracing the effects of premature deaths of #immigrant inventors on innovation by the colleagues they leave behind.
Most of the effect of #immigration on innovation, they find, is spillovers to others! Not innovation *by* immigrants.
#NewPaperAlert #LaborEcon #immigrant #immigration
#NewPaperAlert #research led by Senior Research Fellow Dr Chris Nnanatu with Dr Edson Utazi - Spatially Varying Intergenerational Changes in the Prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in #Nigeria: Lessons Learnt from a Recent Household #Survey - in Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy #FGM #GBV #SDG5 #BayesianModel https://doi.org/10.1007/s12061-022-09497-5
#NewPaperAlert #research #nigeria #survey #FGM #GBV #sdg5 #bayesianmodel
New paper announcement! Together with @repepo @planetsabine and others, we analyze the onset of convection in rotating spherical shells using the eigenvalue code Kore. This has potential applications for all spherical astrophysical objects such as planets and stars. Read more here:
#fluidoutercore #fluiddynamics #newpaper #NewPaperAlert
Is your New Year's resolution to eat more veggies? Then check out our new paper on how different dinosaur groups had adapted to eating plants. Expertly led by David Button (and with a little help from myself):
#dinosaurs #veggiedinos #NewPaperAlert #biomechanics
Mentioning #ReinforcementLearning #RL #NewPaperAlert to aid discovery - thanks for sharing!
#reinforcementlearning #rl #NewPaperAlert
Measuring Nepotism and Sexism in Artistic Recognition: The Awarding of Medals at the Paris Salon, 1850 - 1880
By Claire Dupin de Beyssat, Diana Seave Greeenwald & Kim Oosterlinck
From 1850 to 1880, the Paris Salon was the leading visual #arts exhibition venue in #France.
The paper quantitatively analyzes which elements, including #nepotism and #sexism, drove the likelihood of winning a medal.
#NewPaperAlert #arts #france #nepotism #sexism
Connectivity is vital for species persistence in a changing world. But dispersing wildlife may come into conflict with people, leading to costs for both, and impeding #connectivity. So how do we mitigate conflict while maintaining connectivity?
In our #PNAS paper led by @divya_vasudev, we address this conservation dilemma and map the connectivity-conflict interface, or areas where animal movement and human needs collide.
#NewPaperAlert #connectivity #pnas
🎉 New paper! “Socioeconomic Status and the Changing Nature of School-to-Work Transitions in Egypt, Jordan, and Tunisia.” with Ragui Assaad and @colettesalemi in ILR Review
#NewPaperAlert #mena #labor #econresearch
"Mixed method assessment of #BuiltEnvironment & policy responses to the #COVID19 pandemic by United States municipalities focusing on #walking & #bicycling actions" in the Journal of #Transport & #Health
This #OpenAccess paper by Kelly Evenson & colleagues (I'm one of 'em! so's @sethlaj!) builds on the #ShiftingStreets effort (pedbikeinfo.org/shiftingstreets)
link to paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214140522002298
#NewPaperAlert #builtenvironment #COVID19 #walking #bicycling #transport #health #openaccess #shiftingstreets #VisionZero #BikeTooter #WalkTooter
"Mixed method assessment of #BuiltEnvironment & policy responses to the #COVID19 pandemic by United States municipalities focusing on #walking & #bicycling actions" in the Journal of #Transport & #Health
This #OpenAccess paper by Kelly Evenson & colleagues (I'm one of 'em! so's @sethlaj) builds on the #ShiftingStreets effort (pedbikeinfo.org/shiftingstreets)
#VisionZero #BikeTooter #WalkTooter
#NewPaperAlert #builtenvironment #COVID19 #walking #bicycling #transport #health #openaccess #shiftingstreets #VisionZero #BikeTooter #WalkTooter
Countries with higher initial scores for #GenderEquality under law exhibit more rapid subsequent income convergence
Just-released research by Can Sever of the #IMF #NewPaperAlert #Laborecon #DevEcon —> https://ssrn.com/abstract=4184696
#genderequality #imf #NewPaperAlert #LaborEcon #DevEcon
RT @kj_winkler
We explore #power shifts needed for a #sustainability #transformation in this new paper led by L.Rutting https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11625-022-01251-7 🐘joostvervoort@mastodon.gamedev.place #seeds #anthropocene #newpaperalert #openaccess
#power #sustainability #transformation #seeds #anthropocene #NewPaperAlert #openaccess
#Families, #Labor Markets, and Policy
by Stefania Albanesi, Claudia Olivetti & Barbara Petrongolo
Using comparable data for 24 countries since the 1970s, they document #gender convergence in schooling, employment and earnings, marriage delay and the accompanying decline in fertility, and...
... the large remaining gaps in labor market outcomes, especially among #parents.
#NewPaperAlert #NBER #families #labor #gender #parents
I wrote another (and probably final) paper on the remote generation of Wigner negativity and its connection to quantum steering.
The main goal of the paper is to tie up the loose ends and to provide some insights that might be useful for future research on quantum correlations in continuous variable systems. It was mainly written during free moments, so the editing might not yet be optimal...
#NewPaperAlert #quantum #QuantumCorrelations #QuantumSteering
Pros and Cons of Globalization: Income-Based Attitudes
Assaf Razin
Which income group is pro-globalization or anti‐globalization? The wealthy skilled‐labor or the poor low‐skilled labor? How #globalization affect income‐based attitudes towards globalization?
#NewPaperAlert #globalization #trade
Excited to share that the #FieldExperiment from my #dissertation is out now in #JPAM! For the study, I submitted 9,480 job applications to examine how employers respond to #MBAs from the types of universities that most students attend.
#HigherEd #EdPolicy #Education #MBA #AuditStudy #FieldExperiment #ResumeAudit #PublicPolicy #SocialPolicy #Sociodon #SocialScience #EconTwitter #NewPaperAlert @laborecon
#MBAS #highered #edpolicy #education #mba #auditstudy #resumeaudit #publicpolicy #socialpolicy #sociodon #socialscience #econtwitter #NewPaperAlert #fieldexperiment #dissertation #jpam