An some #NewSociologists in the fediverse. Welcome …
@cyberlyra (Janet Vertesi)
@fursthenrik (Henrik Fürst)
@sbg_arch (Sarah Gelbard)
For the complete list with keywords etc. visit:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
An some #NewSociologists in the fediverse …
@ZTS_ZeitTheoSoz (ZTS – Zeitschrift für theoretische Soziologie)
@sanjay_digital (sanjay sharma)
@conleyjr (Jim Conley)
@michamahler (Michaela Mahler)
For the complete list with keywords etc. visit:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#NewSociologists #sociology #sociodon
And some #NewSociologists in the Fediverse. Welcome …
@sssp_dd (SSSP Drugs and Drinking)
@asadrugsoc (ASA Drugs & Society Section)
@metacramer (Meta Cramer)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists
And some #NewSociologists in the Fediverse. Welcome …
@sssp_dd (SSSP Drugs and Drinking)
@asadrugsoc (ASA Drugs & Society Section)
@metacramer (Meta Cramer)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists
And some #NewSociologists in the Fediverse. Welcome …
@OstenWahlbeck (Östen Wahlbeck)
@jhodos (Jerome Hodos)
@danaujoks (Daniel Naujoks)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists
And some #NewSociologists / new sociological journals on our list of sociological accounts in the Fediverse:
@actasociologica (Acta Sociologica)
@datendetektivin (–)
@Ztschr_Prokla (PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists
Na wanasosholojia wengine wapya katika Fediverse … / And some #NewSociologists in the Fediverse …
@Erin_eife (Erin Eife)
@Julia_Soc (Julia Dessauer)
@gav (Giuseppe A. Veltri)
@MelB (Mel Bartley)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists
और फ़ेडेवर्स में कुछ नए समाजशास्त्री … / And some #NewSociologists in the Fediverse …
@vbashi (Vilna Bashi)
@thrnsgdk (Tahir Enes Gedik)
@brettcburkhardt (Brett Burkhardt)
@braydenk (Brayden King)
@selcan (Selcan Mutgan)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists
और फ़ेडेवर्स में कुछ नए समाजशास्त्री … / And some #NewSociologists in the Fediverse …
@vbashi (Vilna Bashi)
@thrnsgdk (Tahir Enes Gedik)
@brettcburkhardt (Brett Burkhardt)
@braydenk (Brayden King)
@selcan (Selcan Mutgan)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists
És néhány új szociológus a Fediverzumban … / And some #NewSociologists in the Fediverse …
@CarinaCornesse (Carina Cornesse)
@Fern (Simon Fern)
@Shelia (Shelia Cotten)
@TomasCano (Tomás Cano)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists
A ʻo kekahi mau sociologists i ka Fediverse … / And some #NewSociologists in the Fediverse …
@stephaniemedleyrath (Stephanie Medley-Rath)
@GaiaGhirardi (Gaia Ghirardi)
@A_Hudde (Ansgar Hudde)
@ralmeling (Rene Almeling)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists
A někteří další sociologové ve Fediverse … / And some #NewSociologists in the Fediverse …
@DisastersRadix (RADIX: Radical Interpretations of Disasters)
@bvhoutte (Bram Vanhoutte)
@damiano_uccheddu (Damiano Uccheddu)
@talkinto (Marc Moelders)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists
Wow, there are now more than 400 researchers and institutions on our list of #NewSociologists in the Fediverse. 🥳
Please welcome …
@dlucksted (Danielle Lucksted)
@amandaywise (Amanda Wise)
@MatthewBorus (Matthew Borus)
@alesia_ethnog (Alesia Montgomery)
@Gerber (Alison Gerber)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists
Μερικοί νέοι κοινωνιολόγοι στο Fediverse … / And some #NewSociologists in the Fediverse …
@fields_uhh (FIELDS Research Project UHH)
@LidiaPanico (Lidia Panico)
@eurosocieties (European Societies)
@mzv (Christian Meier zu Verl)
@jamescookuma (James Cook)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists
اور فیڈیوورس میں کچھ نئے ماہرین عمرانیات …
And some #NewSociologists in the Fediverse …
@JanBruelle (Jan Brülle)
@crest_socio (CREST Sociology)
@benjaminbrundugonzalez (–) (Patrick Präg)
@ndporter (Nathaniel Porter)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists
Ndipo akatswiri ena atsopano a chikhalidwe cha anthu ku Fediverse … / And some #NewSociologists in the Fediverse …
@petejones (Pete Jones)
@natrinh (–)
@Akbaritabar (Aliakbar Akbaritabar)
@umichStoneCID (Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics)
@BWI (Bourdieu Work and Inequality Research Network)
@aryanasoliz (Aryana Soliz)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists
და რამდენიმე ახალი სოციოლოგი Fediverse-ში … / And some #NewSociologists in the Fediverse …
@icastelaohuerta (Isaura Castelao-Huerta)
@markigra (Mark Igra)
@StefanAykut (Stefan C. Aykut)
@Vorinstanz (Reto Eugster)
@k8henne (Kate Henne)
@arianeophir (Ariane Ophir)
@Cosmos (Comos)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists
Och några nya sociologer i Fediversum … / And some #NewSociologists in the Fediverse …
@ramyologist (Ramy Youssef)
@APWeiland (Andreas P. Weiland)
@FHasselhorn (Fabian Hasselhorn)
@thofel (Thomas Feliciani)
@tomemery (Tom Emery)
@vaiseys (Stephen Vaisey)
@emgerson (Elihu M Gerson)
@MartinReinhart (Martin Reinhart)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists
وبعض علماء الاجتماع الجدد في فدیورس …
And some #NewSociologists in the Fediverse …
@michaelacbenson (Michaela Benson)
@Miguel_A_Martinez (Miguel A. Martínez)
@venus (Venus Athena Vangsgaard Fabricius)
@gorodzeisky (Anastasia Gorodzeisky)
@ReneCNielsen (René Clausen Nielsen)
@ConstitutiveLaw (Mary Lia Reiter)
@DrRosaleenOBrien (Rosaleen O’Brien)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists
Dan beberapa sosiolog baru di fediverse … / And some #NewSociologists in the Fediverse …
@louisesparza (Louis Edgar Esparza)
@Uhorski (András Kelen)
@NODE801 (B. Ricardo Brown)
@lenka_drazanova (Lenka Drazanova)
@profimogentyler (Imogen Tyler)
@williamcallison (William Callison)
For the complete list:
If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.
#sociology #sociodon #NewSociologists