@gbxyz The 2012 round of #newTLDs have managed to glean ~10% of the domain name market.
In our Phishing Landscape 2022 study we reported that the new TLDs represented 26% of #phishing domains.
We don't see any long term abatement in the quarterly reporting we provide at the Cybercrime Information Center.
I have yet to see a credible economic study that suggests more TLDs are needed, or an independent study that estimates the risks involved in further expanding the namespace in this manner.
En 2019, les nouvelles extensions affichent une augmentation de 19 % en stock (+6 millions de noms de domaine). Découvrez tous les chiffres 2019 du marché mondial des noms de domaine sur https://www.afnic.fr/fr/l-afnic-en-bref/actualites/actualites-generales/12095/show/marche-des-noms-de-domaine-dans-le-monde-en-2019-les-nouveaux-tld-vont-ils-creer-la-surprise.html #Afnic
In 2019, #newTLDs recorded a 19% gain in stock (+6 million domain names). Discover all the numbers from the 2019 Global Domain Name Market on https://www.afnic.fr/en/about-afnic/news/general-news/12097/show/the-global-domain-name-market-in-2019-will-newtlds-create-a-sensation.html #ICANN #nTLDs #Afnic #Domains #ccTLDs
#cctlds #NewTLDs #icann #ntlds #domains #afnic
At the end of 2019, the global domain name market represented some 346 million domain names, including:
▶️ 181 million Legacy TLDs
▶️ 33 million #newTLDs
▶️ 132 million #ccTLDs
The Global Domain Name Market in 2019 https://www.afnic.fr/en/about-afnic/news/general-news/12097/show/the-global-domain-name-market-in-2019-will-newtlds-create-a-sensation.html #Afnic #ICANN
#icann #NewTLDs #cctlds #afnic
Marché des noms de domaine dans le monde en 2019 : les nouveaux TLD vont-ils créer la surprise ? https://www.afnic.fr/fr/l-afnic-en-bref/actualites/actualites-generales/12095/show/marche-des-noms-de-domaine-dans-le-monde-en-2019-les-nouveaux-tld-vont-ils-creer-la-surprise.html #Afnic #ndd #Internet #Web #Numérique
The Global Domain Name Market in 2019: will #newTLDs create a sensation? https://www.afnic.fr/en/about-afnic/news/general-news/12097/show/the-global-domain-name-market-in-2019-will-newtlds-create-a-sensation.html #Afnic #NewgTLDs #ICANN #Web #Internet #Study #domains #domainnames #Digital
#newgtlds #icann #afnic #ndd #internet #web #numérique #NewTLDs #study #domains #domainnames #digital
Plus de métro ? Baladez vous au cœur des meilleures adresses du .paris depuis chez vous ! https://www.afnic.fr/fr/ressources/blog/balade-au-coeur-du-paris-a-la-decouverte-de-sa-communaute.html #PointParis #Paris #Afnic
No trains? Explore the best addresses in .paris from your home! https://www.afnic.fr/en/resources/blog/exploring-the-city-through-the-paris-community.html #Afnic #Paris #NewTLDs #ICANN #geoTLDs #Web #Travel
#PointParis #paris #web #afnic #icann #geotlds #travel #NewTLDs