Watching #NewTricks before it goes off iPlayer tomorrow. Amanda Redman's last episode. Fabulous woman.
@podfeet #programmingbystealth #olddogs #newtricks just learned a great new trick regarding using arrays in #bash . When you have a single element of the array that has multiple words, separated by a space you need to set the. IFS variable to an empty string on its own line. This prevents word splitting, especially when expanding the array for using the four or the select statements.
#programmingbystealth #olddogs #NewTricks #bash
2/2 retire then come back as a civilian consultant (#Resnick #Rebus ) without it seeming all a bit #NewTricks ? How many times can we encounter another policeman with an odd quirk or hobby, that shall for ever be called a #Ridley after Adrian Dunbar's incomprehensible jazz singing retired detective? It's as if crime fiction needs a reboot - rather like the 1980s - when I'd argue Pluto Press kicked off a new generation of crime readers - we need a similar reboot today
#Resnick #rebus #NewTricks #ridley