Urban design can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while building resilience to climate risks.
Learn more in the second part of the interactive #NewUrbanAgenda crash course. Click here to start learning today! https://learn.urbanagendaplatform.org
RT @Catalonia_AT: This morning Delegate of @CatalanMFA @KommunikaCat and DG @mariagalindo82 @agendaurbanacat met with international participants during the #WUF11 in #Poland to discuss urban strategies.
#WUF11 #Poland #NewUrbanAgenda
RT @Catalonia_AT: @CatalanMFA @KommunikaCat @UNHABITAT @mariagalindo82 @govern @rosasuri 5/5 Delegate @KommunikaCat @CatalanMFA visits with DG @mariagalindo82 one of the Delegation’s countries, #Poland, to represent @govern & present regional urban strategies at the #WUF11.
#Catalunya2050 strategy accounts for the mandate of @UNHABITAT with the #NewUrbanAgenda 🌍🌱
#Poland #WUF11 #Catalunya2050 #NewUrbanAgenda
RT @Catalonia_AT: @CatalanMFA @KommunikaCat @UNHABITAT @mariagalindo82 @govern 3/5 Delegate @KommunikaCat giving introductory remarks on behalf of @UNHabitat in #Katowice
💬 "Municipalities are constrained by limited resources. Evidenced-based decision making is a powerful tool for cities navigating a multitude of challenges"
#Katowice #WUF11 #NewUrbanAgenda
RT @EUinmyRegion: The European Union🇪🇺 stands ready to support the acceleration of the #NewUrbanAgenda’s delivery, by reinforcing its contribution for transformative change with three new commitments taking #sustainable #urbandevelopment forward.
#NewUrbanAgenda #sustainable #UrbanDevelopment #HighLevelMeeting
Nearly 1 billion people live in EU partner countries’ urban slums and informal settlements. How to improve their living conditions & ensure a sustainable urban development?
We stand ready to contribute to the @UN New Urban Agenda for more resilient and greener cities. @UNHABITAT
RT @EUinmyRegion: At @UNHABITAT #HighLevelMeeting on implementation of the #NewUrbanAgenda, the EU and its M.States proposed 6 voluntary commitments …
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Partnerships/status/1519717350580404225
#HighLevelMeeting #NewUrbanAgenda
Our Urban agenda does not stop at 🇪🇺 borders.
We remain committed to promote sustainable urban development globally, with strategic commitments, ambitious policies and strong partnerships with countries and cities around the world 🌍.
We stand ready to deliver!
RT @EUinmyRegion: At @UNHABITAT #HighLevelMeeting on implementation of the #NewUrbanAgenda, the EU and its M.States proposed 6 voluntary commitments to accelerate the …
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ElisaFerreiraEC/status/1519956788707270657
#HighLevelMeeting #NewUrbanAgenda
The European Union🇪🇺 stands ready to support the acceleration of the #NewUrbanAgenda’s delivery, by reinforcing its contribution for transformative change with three new commitments taking #sustainable #urbandevelopment forward.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUinmyRegion/status/1519938568113766400
#NewUrbanAgenda #sustainable #UrbanDevelopment #HighLevelMeeting
@UNHABITAT @UNWebTV @EUUrbanAgenda @EUSmartCities @SmartCitiesLab @JCISmartCities @OECD_local @RU_RBAN @edicitnet @ElisaFerreiraEC @IucnUrban Cooperation at various levels of #governance helped to develop and implement initiatives, long-term investment programmes and policies to materialise our common action towards the implementation of the @UNHABITAT #NewUrbanAgenda.
More ℹ️ https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/policy/themes/u…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUinmyRegion/status/1519784771399950337
@UNHABITAT @UNWebTV @EUUrbanAgenda @EUSmartCities @SmartCitiesLab @JCISmartCities @OECD_local @RU_RBAN @edicitnet @ElisaFerreiraEC @IucnUrban Cities have an essential role to play in carrying out the transition towards resilient, just&green societies.
The EU continues to be committed to support #Cities with respect to monitoring of the #SDGs and of the #NewUrbanAgenda at urban and territorial level
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUinmyRegion/status/1519783512898949125
#cities #SDGs #NewUrbanAgenda #HighLevelMeeting
At @UNHABITAT #HighLevelMeeting on implementation of the #NewUrbanAgenda, the EU and its M.States proposed 6 voluntary commitments to accelerate the delivery of this global framework for sustainable urban development.
Follow the event live on @UNWebTV 🔴https://media.un.org/en/asset/k14/k14r53dsl4
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUinmyRegion/status/1519688759872208897
#HighLevelMeeting #NewUrbanAgenda
RT @UNHABITAT: The #NewUrbanAgenda aims to reduce poverty, address inequality, achieve balanced prosperity, drive sustainability and promote peace and security.
Join us live from anywhere in the world!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUinmyRegion/status/1519686766160232450
#NewUrbanAgenda #HighLevelMeeting
The work the @living_eu movement on #DigitalTransformation at local level resonates globally - @UN report on implementation of the #UnitedNations #NewUrbanAgenda
@EUROCITIES @oascities @openlivinglabs @EU_CoR @DigitalEU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ConnectCitiesEU/status/1507335424481677317
[2022-03-25 12:35 UTC]
#DigitalTransformation #UnitedNations #NewUrbanAgenda
The work the @living_eu movement on #DigitalTransformation at local level resonates globally - @UN report on implementation of the #UnitedNations #NewUrbanAgenda
@EUROCITIES @oascities @openlivinglabs @EU_CoR @DigitalEU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ConnectCitiesEU/status/1507335424481677317
[2022-03-25 12:35 UTC]
#DigitalTransformation #UnitedNations #NewUrbanAgenda