SP auto chocolate; EN chocolate car— «Los autos “chuecos” —que con el tiempo adquirieron el nombre de “chocolate”— son vehículos sin papeles, sin permisos de importación, que no se comercializan, ni podrían comercializarse, a través de agencias o concesionarios.» https://elpais.com/mexico/2022-12-29/lopez-obrador-amplia-la-regularizacion-de-autos-chocolate-hasta-marzo-de-2023.html https://jornadabc.com.mx/principales/se-ampliara-3-meses-mas-el-plazo-para-regularizar-vehiculos-chocolate-amlo/ #newword #neologism #neologismo
#neologismo #neologism #NewWord
SP auto chocolate; EN chocolate car— «Los autos “chuecos” —que con el tiempo adquirieron el nombre de “chocolate”— son vehículos sin papeles, sin permisos de importación, que no se comercializan, ni podrían comercializarse, a través de agencias o concesionarios.» https://elpais.com/mexico/2022-12-29/lopez-obrador-amplia-la-regularizacion-de-autos-chocolate-hasta-marzo-de-2023.html https://jornadabc.com.mx/principales/se-ampliara-3-meses-mas-el-plazo-para-regularizar-vehiculos-chocolate-amlo/ #newword #neologism #neologismo
#neologismo #neologism #NewWord
past tense: catstapled; past participle: catstapled
to be attached or secured with a cat.
"Mark had remained in the same position for three hours straight because his 10-lb feline Bertha had catstapled him to the sofa."
(The above is a common occurrence in our household.🤣 Feel free to borrow this expression I've coined as it comes in handy. #Dogstapling is a related phenomenon.)
#NewWord #dogsofmastodon #Dogs #CatsOfMastodon #Humor #Cats #dogstapling #catstaple #wordoftheday
Axios tech managing editor Scott Rosenberg writes…
Find it:
"This is what an actual technology revolution looks like," software veteran Dare Obasanjo recently tweeted. "It's not ten years of trying to find use cases. It's use cases being found and productized faster than you can track them."
Recently I found a #NewWord :
I have had at least half a dozen opportunities to use it... All lost! Life is not fair.
Also, this just happened:
"Mouse drop" -- what happens when you do a mic drop online.
https://twitter.com/Woozalia/status/1327064844382728196 (it was a collaborative effort)
I've decided that "whichs" needs to be a word -- like "whose" but for non-people.
Last xmas someone gifted me a copy of Tomorrow Will Be Different by Sarah McBride, a transwoman who just got elected to the Delaware state senate (I didn't even know she was running for office) and whichs intro was written by Joe Biden.