"What kind of alien invasion movie was this conspiracy? It was 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'."
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Drastic // measures are needed, / they’ve been saying, as long as / I can remember
Ghost Nets
A.E. Stallings
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How I learned about American history. #111Words #AmericanHistory #HighSchool #AmericanRevolution #Saarbrücken #Teaching #NewYorkReviewOfBooks https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/03/how-i-learned-about-american-history.html
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Quote of the day: "Only in an economy of one, where there is no exchange at all, do we make decisions like the rational actor of economics textbooks--which is why Robinson Crusoe is such a fixture of them" #CoreyRobin #NewYorkReviewOfBooks #AdamSmith #economics #Empathy
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"Originalism fails its own test": David Cole on the fallacies of "originalism" in legal interpretation in the United States. #111Words #SCOTUS #NewYorkReviewOfBooks #DavidCole #Originalism https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/02/originalism-fails-its-own-test-david.html
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The law of cats is simple
Two Kerosene Lanterns
Jane Hirshfield
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Where are all the wasted days?
Iman Mersal, translated from the Arabic by Robyn Creswell
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Breaking news: I’m only one issue behind in my #NewYorkReviewOfBooks reading.
How Many People Can the Earth Support? (1998)
... I hope to offer a perspective that differs from the views of those who say that rapid population growth is no problem at all and those who say that population growth is the only problem. A rounded view of the facts should immunize us against both cornucopians and doomsayers. I give more details in my recent book How Many People Can the Earth Support? ...
Paywall: https://archive.is/E5AB8
HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29450230
#Population #Overpopulation #CarryingCapacity #LimitsToGrowth #BigProblems #JoelECohen #RockefellerUniversity #ColumbiaUniversity #NYBooks #NewYorkReviewOfBooks #Books #BookReviews #Reviews
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