Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
165 followers · 647 posts · Server

Yesterday’s included two attempts at adventure 7, which felt simpler than previous ones but my opponent system errored out leaving us with very low scores in both games - we thought we’d do better second time but although the game went on longer the scores were much the same.

It was nice to get two ties though! At we both filled our zoos up on the same action. And at we tied too - though both pretty awful “room for improvement” scores.

#boardgames #WelcomeToTheMoon #NewYorkZoo #Clever4Ever

Last updated 2 years ago

· @meeplays
38 followers · 546 posts · Server

Sehr nett! 👍

Wie findet ihr ? Ab welchem Alter können Vielspieler-Kids das so spielen?


Last updated 2 years ago

Andy · @howrandom
51 followers · 265 posts · Server

We finally got round to this morning!

#NewYorkZoo #boardgames

Last updated 2 years ago

Andy · @howrandom
49 followers · 258 posts · Server

Friday night is night! (Or it will be when it gets to night). We’re playing and this week with on hand if needed (it will be).

#boardgames #cascadia #parks #NewYorkZoo #6nimmt

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
127 followers · 470 posts · Server

This was fun! A bit of fictional city building and drawing with

I borrowed meeples from and created a story about the animals breaking out of the zoo to found their own city Penelopetown ruled by the eponymous Emperor Penguin who led the escape. They found a lovely spot and marketed artisanal smoked fish from a river-y paradise for a while… until they ended up building a wall to protect themselves. Yup, they built their own city but it ended up being a zoo.

#soloRPG #maps #exNovo #NewYorkZoo

Last updated 2 years ago

Andy · @howrandom
28 followers · 159 posts · Server

I’m starting to plan our nature themed board game night which will happen in a couple of weeks. We’ll start with Cascadia and Parks but they’re both fairly short so we’ll probably have time for New York Zoo too.

I’d love us to play Ark Nova but we won’t have time to teach it and play it.

The games I’ve considered so far are fairly light so maybe Honey Buzz will fit as a heavier option.

#boardgames #cascadia #parks #NewYorkZoo #honeybuzz

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
63 followers · 198 posts · Server

The more I play the more creepy it seems that the game revolves around filling animal pens to overcrowding and then shipping the animals off and being able to build other attractions for the zoo like um… a hot dog stand? 🤔

This has replaced my initial unease about the mechanic where if one pen of animals breed then another pen of animals also work out how babies are made which now seems pretty natural in comparison.


#NewYorkZoo #boardgames

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsty Darbyshire · @nocto
49 followers · 145 posts · Server

The more I play the more creepy it seems that the game revolves around filling animal pens to overcrowding and then shipping the animals off and being able to build other attractions for the zoo like um… a hot dog stand? 🤔

This has replaced my initial unease about the mechanic where if one pen of animals breed then another pen of animals also work out how babies are made which now seems pretty natural in comparison.


#NewYorkZoo #boardgames

Last updated 2 years ago