#Navy Says All #UFO Videos #Classified, Releasing Them ‘Will #Harm #National_Security’
David V: its ok we already know. we don't need Top Secrets Docs to figure this out.
Our #HFT software was stolen by #New_Mexico_Airforce_Base based on our records.
Our #HFT #proprietary_software is being used WITHOUT OUR CONSENT in Military #Hypersonic_Missile testing's.
Basically this is a REPOST FROM 2007.
NASA was promoting UFO but we had to step on their toes.. ..PERPETUATING another #BIG_LIE.
Now baton handed OFF back to the Navy.
See post below. The Navy has been #Compromised so that means that we cannot believe a #DAM thing they #claim.
Tastingtraffic LLC has #IDENTIFIED the UFO's. There are #not UFO's they are #IFO's
Remember all the rockets trying to land with #thrusters?
That's new #tech that these #morons have not yet dialed in. Prob never will and why all the #crashes.
HFT software responds in #nano_seconds.
That's a #billionth of a #second.
With the #correct team you can make these #hypersonic #missiles #DANCE in the air.
..all the #sightings so far..
Whenever NASA needs #funding they start with the ALIEN fearmongering #Propaganda.
NASA NEEDS to be #RETIRED into a MUSEUM pronto before they risk #WE_THE_PEOPLES #National_Security and #Safety due to #GROSS_NEGLIGENCE (aka MASSIVE #SPACE_JUNK #ACCUMULATION) under NASA'S WATCH
Remember the #triangle NASA was #fearmongering (AKA ASSUMED POTENTIAL ALIENS?) in shape of a #unidentified #triangle??
NASA A DEAD DINO trying to substantiate their evil existence to get more of our HARD EARNED tax dollars for them to BURN UP FOR MORE #WAR #OIL AND #WEAPONS OF #MASS_DESTRUCTION??
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#INTERNATONAL_TECH_NEWS #navy #UFO #classified #Harm #National_Security #HFT #New_Mexico_Airforce_Base #PROPRIETARY_SOFTWARE #Hypersonic_Missile #BIG_LIE #COMPROMISED #DAM #claim #IDENTIFIED #not #IFO #Identifiable_Flying_Objects #thrusters #Tech #morons #crashes #nano_seconds #billionth #second #correct #hypersonic #missiles #DANCE #sightings #NOT_UFO #funding #propaganda #RETIRED #WE_THE_PEOPLES #Safety #GROSS_NEGLIGENCE #SPACE_JUNK #ACCUMULATION #triangle #fearmongering #unidentified #war #oil #weapons #Mass_Destruction #TRUSTED