My notifications were off & I was barely aware of what's happening & wondering why I was not getting any notifications ! You need to switch on notifications in the settings! #n00bs #NewbieGuide
How to use mastodon:
#faq #help #NewbieGuide #n00bs #Mastodon #howto
Here is a list and explanations - might need updates. #MastodonTips #Servers #NewbieGuide
#NewbieGuide #servers #mastodontips
#NewbieGuide 2) Image descriptions
In the web app, when you upload an image it gives you an Edit button in the top right of the image. Click on that and you get a place to describe the image. You can also move the "centre" of the image. And if it's sensitive you can tick a box to hide it by default.
Once it's posted, users in the web app can hover over the image to see the text.
If you're using a different app, please reply with which app you're using and how it looks to you!
To create a content warning on the web app at you just click the "CW" icon when you post and type the warning in the box that appears above.
If you're using another app, please reply with which app you're using (and Android or iOS etc) how it looks to you!
It occurs to me that, because every app is a bit different, it would be useful to crowdsource instructions for common Mastodon functions on the different apps.
I'll start a new thread for each one and use the hashtag #NewbieGuide - comment here if there's a particular function you'd like explained!
I'm new what's good? Any tips?