Today, I saw a moose. Here's its butt.
#Canada #GrosMorne #NationalPark #NewFoundlandAndLabrador #Travel
#canada #grosmorne #nationalpark #NewfoundlandandLabrador #travel
I'm on a ferry this afternoon, heading to Newfoundland & Labrador, and I seriously underestimated how huge a ferry actually is. This is wild. We didn't bring the camper, but absolutely could have, and many others did! No pictures because the internet is ran by a potato on this thing. Besides, I get dizzy when I'm staring at my screen (unexpected side bonus!)
#NewfoundlandandLabrador #rvlife #travel
Today is another travel day. We're heading about 250 miles further north, into Novia Scotia, where our camper will remain for the next week.
This week, we're going to take the ferry to Newfoundland and Labrador, where we will spend a couple nights to visit Gros Morne. 😁
#grosmorne #NewfoundlandandLabrador #rvlife #travel
Today is a travel day! We're leaving Acadia, Maine, and the United States as a whole. By the end of the day, we expect to be in New Brunswick for a few days on our way up to see a few national parks up there. One such highlight is Gros Morne in New Foundland. Can't wait!
#Acadia #Canada #GrosMorne #NewBrunswick #NewFoundlandAndLabrador #RVLife #Travel
#acadia #canada #grosmorne #newbrunswick #NewfoundlandandLabrador #rvlife #travel