the star filled dome
grassy tomb and harvest wombs
great river, dancing
#Newgrange #poetry #smallpoems #haiku #imagiku
the star filled dome
grassy tomb and harvest wombs
great river, dancing
#Newgrange #poetry #smallpoems #haiku #imagiku
swirl of stars, dancing
wind blown flowers on the tomb
the wanting womb
#Newgrange #poetry #smallpoems #haiku #imagiku
#Newgrange has always been of interest to me, but its the reconstruction of it that is most fascinating because its through that act that we have become the next civilization in line to re-use an ancient burial mound, opening it for thousands to make pilgrimage. It probably looks nothing like it did in ancient times, but it is still revered and remembered.
Newgrange neolithic burial chamber #CountyMeath #Ireland #neolithic #neolithicireland ##burialchamber #history ##archaeology #StoneAge #PassageTomb #Newgrange #BrúNaBóinne
#brunaboinne #Newgrange #passagetomb #stoneage #archaeology #history #burialchamber #neolithicireland #neolithic #ireland #CountyMeath
A small ringbound booklet of nine real photographs of Newgrange Passage Grave in the Boyne Valley in Co Meath, Ireland. Publisher not stated, but probably by Mason of Dublin. I'll post the other eight photos below. #Newgrange #Meath #PassageGraves #Megaliths #TombTuesday
#Newgrange #meath #passagegraves #megaliths #TombTuesday
#Newgrange was the palace (Brú) of #Bóand, goddess of the river beneath the mound. It was Bóand (sometimes called #Eithne) who first lived here with #Elcmar (sometimes #Nechtan). When she decided to take the #Dagda as her lover, she asked him to hold the sun steady in the sky for 9 months, so that her pregnancy could pass in what seemed to be a single day. This subterfuge worked, and #AonghusÓg was safely born.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @MitologiaCelta
Las historias de Daghda son abundantes! Una de ellas cuenta cómo Dagda tuvo una aventura con Boand, la esposa de Elcmar. Para ocultar…
#Newgrange #boand #Eithne #elcmar #nechtan #Dagda #aonghusog #celtic #mythology #folklore
@ProfLouiseL thank you! That it all appears to have stopped abruptly makes it all the more interesting. I'm more familiar (in a very small sense) with #Newgrange #BruNaBoine but the #Orkney site opens even more questions.
#orkney #brunaboine #Newgrange
Belated #WinterSolstice joy to everyone.
This is my favourite celestial event - it marks the shortest day of our year and thus the (beginning of the) end of winter.
In #Ireland, this day is most often marked at #Newgrange. This is a 5200 year old Stone Age Passage Tomb, aligned with the solstice.
Our ancients made a tomb and created its door in such a way that light strikes the centre of the chamber on this one day. It’s incredible (there’s a lottery to attend - one day, I’d love to see it).
#wintersolstice #ireland #Newgrange
Older than #stonehenge or the pyramids when it comes to the #wintersolstice one needs to consider #Newgrange in Ireland 3200 years old. Aligns with the sun every #wintersolstice
#Newgrange #wintersolstice #stonehenge
Older than #stonehenge or the pyramids when it comes to the #wintersolstice one needs to consider #Newgrange in Ireland 3200 years old. Aligns with the sun every #wintersolstice
#Newgrange #wintersolstice #stonehenge
birgittahoffmann - #wintersolstice. Everybody knows about the alignment at #Newgrange and a number of other Megalithic sites, but do you know that there are seven (7!) #Mayan temples in #Yucatan that are aligned on the winter solstice. This is the Temple of the Seven Dolls in #Dzibilchaltún, Yuc. (Photo. sipse) #Archaeology, #archaeodon, #archaeologist #americas
#wintersolstice #Newgrange #mayan #yucatan #dzibilchaltun #archaeology #archaeodon #archaeologist #americas
#wintersolstice. Everybody knows about the alignment at #Newgrange and a number of other Megalithic sites, but do you know that there are seven (7!) #Mayan temples in #Yucatan that are aligned on the winter solstice. This is the Temple of the Seven Dolls in #Dzibilchaltún, Yuc. (Photo. sipse) #Archaeology, #archaeodon, #archaeologist #americas
#wintersolstice #Newgrange #mayan #yucatan #dzibilchaltun #archaeology #archaeodon #archaeologist #americas
Wishing everyone a magical #WinterSolstice, or Grianstad an Gheimhridh, as we say in #Irish.
Here's a short report filmed in 1986 showing what has happened every year at daybreak on this date for the last 5000 or so years since the passage tomb at #Newgrange in #Ireland was first constructed:
#wintersolstice #irish #Newgrange #ireland
The winter solstice livestreams:
#Newgrange today at 8.45am at https:// and #Stonehenge TOMORROW from 7am at https://
For this morning chapter 2 is the one to listen to👇🏻. Tune in … … #midwinter #darkisrising2022
(Apparently there has been a previous decision not to send live from #Newgrange this morning, but one Irish channel that I don’t have access to decided to do so anyway).
#midwinter #darkisrising2022 #Newgrange
A gentle reminder that, as we celebrate the #WinterSolstice with views of such amazing solar monuments as #Newgrange that they were built by the agricultural people who came up from the #Mediterranean The talented hands that carved the triple spiral had olive skin. The intelligent eyes that observed the light were hazel or green or brown. #IrishPolytheism #AntiRacism
#wintersolstice #Newgrange #mediterranean #irishpolytheism #antiracism
OPW has decided not to live stream the winter solstice at Newgrange this year. Disappointing.
2020 & 2021 are still on YouTube:
#Newgrange #solstice #neolithic #ancientireland
Aided by Dr. Frank Prendergast the initial results were published in Archaeology Ireland in 2021 and are now available to read online free of charge.
Free download at
#Solstice #Newgrange #WinterSolstice2022 #sunrise #ArchaeologyIreland #Research
#research #archaeologyireland #sunrise #wintersolstice2022 #Newgrange #solstice