If you go to your search bar and type in "NPR", you can follow them here on Mastodon. (Now that they've quit the billionaire-owned site.)
@nuthatch over here (GMT+8), my Youtube feed overnight receives a flood of vid about a "SVB"
oh wait, i never heard of a SVB (then again I am not a VC). SVB? Not SBF? Not SVG?
oh wait, concerns about contagion. largest US bank to fail since 2008. okie forget about sleep. [starts watching the news] #newsjunkie
over here where I am (GMT+8), my Youtube feed overnight receives a flood of vid about a "SVB"
oh wait, i never heard of a SVB (then again I am not a VC). SVB? Not SBF? Not SVG?
oh wait, concerns about contagion. largest back to fail since 2008. okie forget about sleep. [starts watching the news] #newsjunkie
@MuffelKanuffel @redcat @Fischblog
Je nach Ausbildung des #Fatalismus kann er sogar hilfreich sein, da er nicht zwingend eine "Machtlosigkeit" ausdrückt, sondern erst einmal ausdrückt, dass man eine Situation akzeptiert, wie sie ist und z.B. die #Klimakatastrophe nicht versucht schön zuzureden.
Deshalb empfehle ich auch, immer noch einen erklärenden Beisatz, wie in meinen Fall vom minimalem #optimismus.
Theoretisch haben wir alle Technik, die wir brauchen, um jetzt vielleicht noch die Kurve zu kriegen, nur haben wir überall auf der #Welt #Kräfte, die dem entgegenwirken. Ob wir überhaupt noch in der Lage sind, die sogenannten #Kipppunkte abzuwenden, halte ich für unwahrscheinlich. Es ist aktuell keiner in der Lage dies abschließend zu beurteilen, am aller wenigstens ich. Meine #Vorstellungskraft aggregiert mit #Bauchgefühl kombiniert mit meinem Hang zum #Newsjunkie und #Science-Junkie kommt mittlerweile zur Überzeugung, dass wir bestimmte #Kipppunkte wahrscheinlich schon überschritten haben.
#science #NewsJunkie #bauchgefuhl #Vorstellungskraft #kipppunkte #krafte #welt #optimismus #klimakatastrophe #Fatalismus
If you are avidly following the work of the #Jan6Committee or if you simply are a #NewsJunkie you can view their final report on #PBS this Monday.
#jan6committee #NewsJunkie #pbs
If you are avidly following the work of the #Jan6Committee or if you simply are a #NewsJunkie you can view their final report on #PBS this Monday.
#jan6committee #NewsJunkie #pbs
OK, my intro. #texan BA in #physics, former #publiceducation #math and #physics teacher, current #tutor, interested in, over the years... #jazz #classicalmusic #npr #pbs #journalism #comics #quirkyhumor #weirdal #library #research #chess #scifi #fantasy #bsg #economics #humanism #secularism #dogs #parenting #financialplanning #investing #democracy #antifascism #blm #metoo #housing #maskup #facts #reason #logic #truth #news #newsjunkie #voteblue #nevertrump #newspapers
#newspapers #bsg #weirdal #quirkyhumor #comics #journalism #pbs #npr #classicalmusic #jazz #publiceducation #nevertrump #voteblue #NewsJunkie #news #truth #logic #reason #facts #MaskUp #fantasy #housing #metoo #blm #antifascism #democracy #investing #financialplanning #parenting #dogs #secularism #humanism #economics #scifi #chess #research #library #tutor #math #physics #Texan
For news junkies
App I like - sources news/articles from multiple sources.
Smart News
#News #NewsJunkie
I signed up for Post! Seems like a potentially good place to go for #birdsiterefugees who miss news
#post #postreferral #newssocial #news #postsocial #NewsJunkie
#birdsiterefugees #post #postreferral #newssocial #news #postsocial #NewsJunkie
#introduction 👋
I’m a former #film tv apc/pc/prod who had to leave after having my first kid and am now a returning student studying #geography and #gis in GA. I follow #environment #climate #extremism #disinformation #climatedisinformation #corruption #theology #degrowth #EconomicGeography #francais #newsjunkie #sociology #democracy #cryptocrash
#Introduction #film #geography #gis #environment #climate #extremism #disinformation #climatedisinformation #corruption #theology #degrowth #economicgeography #francais #NewsJunkie #sociology #democracy #cryptocrash
@WendyMsGator @Jnet Where do we find newsfeeds? I have triped over a couple but looking for more since I'm a #NewsJunkie
So does Washington Post, by the way... @washingtonpost so if you are a #NewsJunkie and are a #Twitter refugee please follow these two accounts
My turn:
To help make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.
#knitting #books #hamburg #nyc #NewsJunkie