Did Someone at Twitter Turn On # ClimateScam on July 19, 2022?
Found in the weelky #NewsRoundup from #SkepticalScience
(they also have a weekly #NewResearch collection, with reports):
SkS is THE goto resource on climate change research, denial, action, .. on the web.
#climate #climatecrisis #climateresearch #climatedenial #climateaction
#climateaction #climatedenial #climateresearch #climatecrisis #climate #NewResearch #skepticalscience #NewsRoundup
Monthly News Roundup
In Local News:
According to the article by The Harbor Rat Report entitled "Despite previous court ruling, City of Aberdeen refuses to find adequate space for homeless encampment". Three years after the city evicted people from their long time home on the banks of the Chehalis River in 2019, and forced them into a small parking lot behind city hall, promising to find them
#theharborratreport #NewsRoundup