Well, I don't have much reach as such but I read down a little bit and you can use and follow these #
You might also want to tag on autoboost groups like @indianphilosophy and @indianclassical @medievalindianhistory @indianindependentmedia
To alert fans of Indian culture to your kind and valuable offer.
Hope that helps and best of luck!
#altnews #scrollin #mojostory #Newslaundry #themooknayak #abhisarsharma #ajitanjum #beatroot #indianindependentmedia
@Jeffrey_Smith @kirt@mastodon.social @kirt@mstdn.social
picture fox news and then make it about eight times that, the guy in the pic is kinda the Indian Tucker
i mostly see it predigested via #Newslaundry but i occasionally watch it live or clips on YouTube out of curiosity