I hear that handheld wireless devices are the future. #RetroComputing #Newton
Domingo dos filmes: Anotações de amor ao Newton.
#MundoRetro #Apple #Documentrio #Filme #histria #Newton #PDA
#pda #Newton #Histria #filme #documentrio #apple #mundoretro
@macprime Jaaa, einen Apple #Newton „Personal Assistent“ hatte ich damals auch! Er war seiner Zeit weit voraus, wurde aber vom zu Apple zurückkehrenden #SteveJobs abgeschossen und ist wohl der Grund, warum iPhones auch heute noch keinen Stift haben dürfen. Der Newton wurde vom weniger durchdachten aber billigeren und weniger Batterie saufenden #PalmPilot abgelöst. Bis später das #iPhone den Beginn der heutigen Smartphones definierte.
#Newton #SteveJobs #palmpilot #iPhone
orrr, love notes to newton ist jetzt öffentlich verfügbar: https://youtu.be/5kxRi34PqWo #newton
Newtons Buddha (2020)
Handelsübliche Glückskatze, Newtonpendel | 55 x 100 x 100 cm
#manekineko #luckycat #newton #perpetuummobile #energieerhaltung
#manekineko #luckycat #Newton #perpetuummobile #energieerhaltung
#EAS for Baxter, ##AR; ##Boone, ##AR; ##Marion, ##AR; ##Newton, ##AR; ##Searcy, ##AR: National Weather Service: SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING in effect for this area until 1:00 AM CDT for DESTRUCTIVE 80 mph winds. Take shelter in a sturdy building, away from windows. Flying debris may be deadly to those caught without shelter. Source: NWS Little Rock AR** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #ar #boone #marion #Newton #searcy
#EAS for Baxter, #AR; #Boone, #AR; #Marion, #AR; #Newton, #AR; #Searcy, #AR: Severe Thunderstorm Warning issued July 31 at 12:08AM CDT until July 31 at 1:00AM CDT by NWS Little Rock AR Source: NWS Little Rock AR** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #ar #boone #marion #Newton #searcy
#EAS for Cherokee, #KS; #Crawford, #KS; #Barton, #MO; #Cedar, #MO; #Dade, #MO; #Jasper, #MO; #Lawrence, #MO; #Newton, #MO: National Weather Service: SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING in effect for this area until 11:15 PM CDT for DESTRUCTIVE 80 mph winds. Take shelter in a sturdy building, away from windows. Flying debris may be deadly to those caught without shelter. Source: NWS Springfield MO** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #ks #crawford #barton #mo #cedar #dade #jasper #lawrence #Newton
#EAS for Cherokee, #KS; #Crawford, #KS; #Barton, #MO; #Cedar, #MO; #Dade, #MO; #Jasper, #MO; #Lawrence, #MO; #Newton, #MO: Severe Thunderstorm Warning issued July 30 at 10:08PM CDT until July 30 at 11:15PM CDT by NWS Springfield MO Source: NWS Springfield MO** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #ks #crawford #barton #mo #cedar #dade #jasper #lawrence #Newton
Global News BC: Surrey hit-and-run sends man to hospital in critical condition https://globalnews.ca/news/9865128/surrey-hit-and-run-sends-man-to-hospital-in-critical-condition/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NewtonHitAndRun #Surreyhitandrun #BCHitAndRun #SurreyRCMP #HitandRun #Newton #Surrey #Crime #News #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #newtonhitandrun #Surreyhitandrun #BCHitAndRun #SurreyRCMP #hitandrun #Newton #surrey #crime #BC
Hurrah for XSLT and stubborness! I figured out for one of our regular XSLT generated reports for manuscripts on the Chymistry of Isaac Newton project how to make it calculate the terminus post quem based on verified citations (citations we're sure we know the source) and verified plus high likelihood citations (we're pretty damn sure about the source). And to print which sources the dating is based off of. #XSLT #DH #XML #TEI #Newton #Chymistry #HistSci
(This is the manuscript the report in the photo was run on: https://webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/newton/mss/dipl/ALCH00046)
#xslt #dh #xml #tei #Newton #chymistry #histsci
Fan creates new USB-Newton cable, no adapters required
#Apple #Newton #AppleNewton #Cable #RetroComputing
#apple #Newton #applenewton #cable #retrocomputing
Kotaku: Tears Of The Kingdom Players Keep Doing Things You Didn't Know Were Possible https://kotaku.com/zelda-tears-of-the-kingdom-best-builds-fusing-vehicles-1850630681 #gaming #tech #kotaku #thelegendofzeldatearsofthekingdom #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #thelegendofzelda #nintendo #rentokil #newton #rutiwa #sonic #iron #link #if
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #thelegendofzeldatearsofthekingdom #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #thelegendofzelda #nintendo #rentokil #Newton #rutiwa #sonic #iron #link #if
test by having the student close their eyes and guess the weight of various newton weights placed in their hands. After they've got it, repeat with various everyday objects of known weight in newtons.
pascals is harder, but the skin is actually a pressure detector, so it should be possible.
in both cases I thnik the hardest part would be class size: how do you get a teaching method that scales to class sizes above 20? How about above 100?
#biteforce #physics #Newton #dinosaur #teaching
almost every time I read a popular article, or listen to podcast that covers bite force of an animal (living or extinct), it seems the authors have no idea what a newton is, what a pascal is, how or these units differ.
Nobody is taught this! But it seems possible to teach people a "feel" for what a newton is by having them hold newton weights, saying "think about the downward force you're feeling. It's 2 (example) newtons."
#biteforce #physics #Newton #dinosaur #teaching
Boston peeps: There will be a #COVID-safe (masked, vaccination required, no COVID symptoms) screening of "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" at West Newton Cinema at 10am on Sunday, July 2. You need to reserve and pay in advance. DM me your email if you want to attend and I'll send you details.
@universalhub #CovidCautious #Boston #BostonMA #movies #SpiderMan #Newton #NewtonMA
#COVIDcautious #boston #bostonma #movies #spiderman #Newton #newtonma #covid