cargo-nextest 0.9.44 is out! A call for testing:
This version of my next-gen #RustLang #TestRunner supports pausing and resuming test runs on Unix (#NextestCtrlZ).
To make this work reliably, #nextest needs to use a "double-spawn" approach. This is currently off by default but can be turned on with an env var, `NEXTEST_EXPERIMENTAL_DOUBLE_SPAWN=1`.
Call for testing: If you're on Unix, please help test this! Update to 0.9.44, then set this environment variable. Thanks!
#rustlang #testrunner #NextestCtrlZ #nextest
Part 4 of my #rustlang #nextest #unix #NextestCtrlZ post is out! This one covers some really fun issues with hung processes that I ran into.
The post also introduces strace as a debugging tool on Linux.
#rustlang #nextest #unix #NextestCtrlZ
Next post in the #rustlang #unix #nextest #NextestCtrlZ series coming tomorrow on! Some quotes from the current draft:
"And strace just hangs as well.
*Oh no. It's spreading.*"
"So that would explain why SIGTSTP didn't work: it's a signal, which is an *interrupt*.
An immovable object meets an unstoppable force. Except the object won, and the force was stoppable after all."
#rustlang #unix #nextest #NextestCtrlZ