Michael Kunz · @Michael_Kunz
638 followers · 27456 posts · Server nrw.social

RT @BR24@twitter.com

Drei Wochen nach dem Tod des Schwarzen Tyre bei einer Verkehrskontrolle haben die Behörden ein schockierendes Video veröffentlicht, das die ganze BrutalitÀt des Polizeieinsatzes zeigt. In mehreren US-StÀdten kam es zu Protesten.

🐩🔗: twitter.com/BR24/status/161924


Last updated 2 years ago

uanews · @uanews
12058 followers · 7444 posts · Server fed.celp.de

Mass protests against police brutality erupt in the

The reason was that five African-American police officers beat to death a black man named Tyree in Tennessee. They stopped his car and beat him with a mob, even though he was lying on the ground.

Original tweet : twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/16

#unitedstates #Nichols

Last updated 2 years ago

Labour MP shares list of 20 alleged ‘sex pests’ on WhatsApp | The Independent

‘Am I not meant to warn others?’, says backbencher who deleted message


#LabourMP #whatsapp #SexPests #SexPestsOnWhatsApp #CharlotteNichols #Nichols

Last updated 2 years ago