Tato Pece · @Pece
446 followers · 2125 posts · Server aus.social

Novak Djokovic:

-Won the for the 10th time 🎾
-He has 22 grand slam wins thus far 🥎
-Is (and owns a vegan restaurant) 🌱

I wonder why the majority of media outlets reporting on him are omitting this last point? Obviously not a . 🙃

From what I have read, he appears to be doing it for his health and performance, and is not (unlike for example), so I am not sure how strict he is with the diet.

In either case, a win for the animals. Future stars and high performance athletes, take note!

#australianopen #vegan #conspiracy #VeganForTheAnimals #NickKyrgios #tennis #vegans #veganism #veganforthetennis #govegan #novakdjokovic #animalrights

Last updated 2 years ago

Ostrobogulous · @can2aus
3 followers · 6 posts · Server aus.social

has a doppelgänger playing for Chile

#worldcup2022 #NickKyrgios

Last updated 2 years ago