> There is no exit from #TikTok’s cinema. One college student I know, having recently downloaded the app, told me that she now finds herself watching TikToks until her iPhone battery dies. She can’t pull her eyes away from the screen, but she is still able to withstand the temptation to recharge her phone while the app’s running. Electrical failure is the last defense against #InfiniteMedia.
#NicolasCarr #TheShallows #Addiction? #CellPhoneAddiction?
#CellPhoneAddiction #addiction #TheShallows #NicolasCarr #InfiniteMedia #tiktok
The Net is.. an interruption system.. for dividing attention.. the ease with which it can be programmed to send and receive messages.. #EMail.. office workers who use computers.. constantly stop what they’re doing to read and respond to.. e-mails.. glance at their in-box thirty or forty times an hour.. each glance.. a small interruption.. the cognitive cost can be high... frequent interruptions scatter our thoughts, weaken our memory, and make us tense and anxious..
#NicolasCarr #TheShallows
#TheShallows #NicolasCarr #email
> “Measure” itself has a few meanings, and it’s worth keeping them all in mind. Consider something Robert Frost said, in speaking to college students in 1956:
“I am always pleased when I see someone making motions like this — like a metronome. Seeing the music measured. Measure always reassures me. Measure in love, in government, measure in selfishness, measure in unselfishness.”
Measure in measurement, too, would seem advisable.
#NicolasCarr with #RobertFrost #RoughTypeBlog #Management
#management #RoughTypeBlog #robertfrost #NicolasCarr
> Some things that can be measured shouldn’t be.. Can you imagine #Google or #Amazon or #Facebook announcing, “We have decided to stop measuring stuff in order to spend some time considering what’s actually worth measuring”? No, today’s ethos is simpler, easier to execute: “If you measure it, the meaning will come.”
#Measure in #measurement, too, would seem advisable.
#PeterDrucker #NicolasCarr
#NicolasCarr #PeterDrucker #measurement #measure #facebook #amazon #google
> “What gets measured gets managed — even when it’s pointless to measure and manage it, and even if it harms the purpose of the organization to do so.”
It’s dubious and dangerous, Drucker is saying, to take what’s measurable for what’s important. But he’s also saying something much more radical, even subversive: Some things that can be measured shouldn’t be.
#PeterDrucker quoted by #NicolasCarr on the #RoughTypeBlog
#RoughTypeBlog #NicolasCarr #PeterDrucker
'..that #BookReading “understimulates the senses”.. makes the activity so..rewarding. By allowing us to filter out distractions, to quiet the problem-solving functions of the frontal lobes, #DeepReading becomes a form of #DeepThinking. The mind of the experienced book reader is a calm mind..[with] the firing of our neurons, it’s a mistake to assume that more is better. ' In #TheShallows #NicolasCarr makes me think of #KurtVonnegut writing that reading books is the Western form of meditation.
#kurtvonnegut #NicolasCarr #TheShallows #deepthinking #DeepReading #BookReading
' “The current explosion of digital technology not only is changing the way we live and communicate but is rapidly and profoundly altering our brains,” he says. The daily use of computers, smartphones, search engines, and other such tools “stimulates brain cell alteration and neurotransmitter release, gradually strengthening new neural pathways in our brains while weakening old ones.” '
#GarySmall quoted in #TheShallows by #NicolasCarr #UCLA #MemoryAndAgingCenter #Online #BrainChange
#BrainChange #online #MemoryAndAgingCenter #ucla #NicolasCarr #TheShallows #GarySmall
' “A compression of time characterizes the life of the century now closing,” wrote James #Gleick in his 1999 book Faster. Such compression characterized, as well, the preceding century. ”... information and communication technologies would have a particularly strong effect on our perception of time.. #speed with which we’re presented with new information and stimuli...our interactions with others.
#NicolasCarr #JamesGleick #activityrhythm #workrhythm
#workrhythm #activityrhythm #JamesGleick #NicolasCarr #speed #Gleick
"It is commonplace that the years between 1300 and 1650 saw within the intellectual culture of Western Europe important changes in the apprehension of time...Lewis Mumford makes suggestive claims in Technics and Civilization (1934), esp. pp. 12-18, "
The #ActivityRhythm of #NicolasCarr #BullshitJobs of #DavidGraeber and #WorkDiscipline of #EPThompson all take one to Lewis Mumford and the #clock I first read of in a #NeilPostman book.
#neilpostman #clock #epthompson #WorkDiscipline #davidgraeber #bullshitjobs #NicolasCarr #activityrhythm
“What gets measured gets managed — even when it’s pointless to measure and manage it, and even if it harms the purpose of the organization to do so.” -- #PeterDrucker and
"It’s dubious and dangerous, Drucker is saying, to take what’s measurable for what’s important. But he’s also saying something much more radical, even subversive: Some things that can be measured shouldn’t be." -- #NicolasCarr on the #MisMeasureOfMan ? maybe #stephenjaygould too. #MeasureHuman
- https://www.roughtype.com/?p=4970
#MeasureHuman #stephenjaygould #MisMeasureOfMan #NicolasCarr #PeterDrucker
Reading #DavidGraeber in#bullshitjobs "concerning the clash between the morality of time and natural work rhythms, and the resentment it creates" made #NicolasCarr come to mind: " Our social milieu, too, influences the way we experience time. Studies suggest, write Droit-Volet and Gill, “that individuals match their time with that of others.” The “ #activityrhythm” of those around us alters our own perception of the passing of time."
- https://www.roughtype.com/?p=6143
#LewisMumford on #workrhythm too
#workrhythm #LewisMumford #activityrhythm #NicolasCarr #davidgraeber