The #banks are going rogue #NatWest #debanking #NigelFarage
#banks #Natwest #DEBANKING #NigelFarage
#Woke #NatWest CEO resigns amid allegations of steering #Coutts' diversity drive and scandalously debanking conservative #NigelFarage
#woke #Natwest #coutts #NigelFarage
'How Nigel Farage became the hero of sex workers'
'The Prime Minister himself spoke out when Farage’s Coutts bank account was closed – would he have done the same if it was a sex club owner’s?'
#SexWork #SexWorkers #banking #RishiSunak #NigelFarage #banking #bank #banks #Farage
#farage #Banks #bank #NigelFarage #RishiSunak #banking #sexworkers #sexwork
'Why Britain still can’t stop talking about Nigel Farage'
I don't like him or his politics, but personally I think he should get a knighthood or other honour just for being such an influential politician, changing so many people's lives in Britain so substantially.
#NigelFarage #farage #Politics #UK
'ALTERNATIVE VIEW: Condemnation gushed forth from Conservatives, but not Labour MPs. One, Stella Creasy, said there are bigger issues at stake. Labour rising star and Business Committee Chair Darren Jones tweeted: “No. 10 is pressuring a CEO to resign on behalf of Nigel Farage. But not the CEO of P&O who illegally sacked 800 workers … or other CEOs I’ve questioned for bad behaviour.”'
#NigelFarage #farage #employment #Politics #UK #Pando
Nigel Farage's bank account was closed due to concerns.
'The document flagged concerns that he was "xenophobic and racist", and also raised concerns about the reputational risk of having Mr Farage as a client.'
'Mr Farage said the BBC had fallen for "spin" and he had been "cancelled" for his political views.'
#Farage #banking #UK #NatWest #Coutts #politics #NigelFarage #bank #banks
#Banks #bank #NigelFarage #Politics #Coutts #Natwest #UK #banking #farage
LIVE 7/23/23 1:40PM EST Nigel Farage Hits Back At Bank; Oppenheimer: "Now I am Become Death" #WorldNews Report- #Brexit leader #NigelFarage has obtained a 40-page report detailing that his bank account at #Coutts, closed his account because of his politics. #Oppenheimer hit theaters with big actors like #MattDamon, telling the story of the scientist behind the creation of the #atomicbomb. We'll dive into how this plays a part in the #Ukraine & #Russia war. #VikorOrban is leading the #European charge to promote #Christianvalues and an unearthed recording of a young Orban shows he has been fighting Communists since his days as a college activist who helped kick Russia out of Hungary. All of that and much more in this week's TOP World News Stories! Watch!!!👇👇👇
#worldnews #brexit #NigelFarage #coutts #oppenheimer #mattdamon #atomicbomb #ukraine #russia #VikorOrban #european #Christianvalues
Iain Dale might as well beatify bloody #NigelFarage. So Coutt's Bank think he's a reputational risk. That's because he is. Dale surely can't be so dim or deluded as not to see that? #LBC
'Brexiteer Nigel Farage claimed his fancy bank was persecuting him for his politics, but it turned out he couldn't maintain the minimum balance'
'U.S. media is famous for both-sidesism and deferential interviews, but it has nothing on the sheer gullibility of British media. Anyone in its list of main characters can just put out nonsense and get it covered verbatim for days.'
#banking #bank #Finance #NigelFarage #farage #Brexit
Just awaiting for the Spiked Online group, various Marxists (other than the CPGBML, who have already done so via their proxy #WorkersGB party), and the irritating centrist blue tick #Twitter brigade to proclaim their ABSOLUTE SOLIDARITY with Nigel #Farage, all the while whispering the suffix or prefix that they disagree with his views.
#workersgb #twitter #farage #NigelFarage #debanked
The Galloway led party #WorkersGB has just come out in support of Nigel Farage against his bank manager.
#workersgb #NigelFarage #GBNews
Looks like Nigel Farage has lost his bank account and is suffering. Bless. The persistent BS peddler and muck shoveller of Brexit now says he doesn’t know “whether I can even go on staying living here in this country". Now that’s proper elitism. The bank account loss was possibly not helped by Farage receiving £550,000 from Kremlin-backed Russian TV channel RT. Scumbag. #NigelFarage #UKIP #Russia .
#brexit #NigelFarage
The first true thing to come out of his mouth ever.
horizon media on Instagram: "Stoney Stanton Rd, Coventry"
>June 4, 2023 - 11 likes, 6 comments - horizon media (@horizoncoventry) on Instagram: "Stoney Stanton Rd, Coventry"
Like this photo especially because of the two blokes on the left (well, obviously on the photo and politically 😉) saluting #NigelFarage in a very appropriate way
💯% ACK
#ledbydonkeys #brexit #bbc #BrexitHasFailed #NigelFarage
WORLD NEWS! LIVE 1/29/23 at 1:35 PM ET Ukraine Rocked by Corruption Scandal; Neil Oliver: The Joke Is On Us... #UK #lockdown critics were placed under government surveillance using the resources of the country’s military. #Ukraine Wants Air Superiority After Securing Battle Tanks: Now Send Fighter Jets. #NigelFarage: We need a political revolution, an even bigger one than Brexit to turn this all around" #Ukrainianrefugees said they feel scared in England as there are “too many Muslims”. Ukraine: A dozen officials have quit over probes into cases ranging from bribery, to mismanagement of aid funds for purchasing food, to embezzlement, to driving expensive cars while common people suffer under wartime conditions. All this and much more on this week’s World News Top Stories!
#UkrainianRefugees #NigelFarage #ukraine #lockdown #uk
🇵🇹 Primeiro passo: orquestrar o Brexit e assim dinamitar o Reino Unido;
Segundo passo: impedir a livre circulação de pessoas, mercadorias e serviços e dinamitar a economia do seu país;
Terceiro passo: lamuriar-se que os jovens britânicos talentosos estão a fugir para Itália e Portugal.
🇬🇧 First step: orchestrating Brexit and thus dynamiting the United Kingdom;
Second step: prevent the free movement of people, goods and services and thus dynamiting your country's economy;
Step three: complaining that talented young British people are fleeing to Italy and Portugal.
🇫🇷 Première étape: orchestrer le Brexit et ainsi dynamiter le Royaume-Uni;
Deuxième étape: empêcher la libre circulation des personnes, des biens et des services et ainsi dynamiter l'économie de votre pays;
Troisième étape: se plaindre que de jeunes Britanniques talentueux fuient vers l'Italie et le Portugal.
🇪🇦 Primer paso: orquestar el Brexit y así dinamitar el Reino Unido;
Segundo paso: impedir la libre circulación de personas, bienes y servicios y así dinamitar la economía de tu país;
Paso tres: quejarse de que los jóvenes británicos con talento están huyendo a Italia y Portugal.
🇮🇹 Primo passo: orchestrare la Brexit e quindi far esplodere il Regno Unito;
Secondo passo: impedire la libera circolazione di persone, beni e servizi e quindi far esplodere l'economia del tuo paese;
Fase tre: lamentarsi del fatto che i giovani talenti britannici stiano fuggendo in Italia e in Portogallo.
#brexit #nigelfarage #ReinoUnido #UnitedKingdom #Royaume-Uni #RegnoUnito #dinamitar #dynamiter #esplodere #dynamiting
#brexit #NigelFarage #reinounido #UnitedKingdom #royaume #regnounito #dinamitar #dynamiter #esplodere #dynamiting
Richard Tice, who fancies blaming everyone else other than those he consorts with.
Thanks guys! #brexit #nigelfarage #reformparty #richardtice #reform
#reform #richardtice #reformparty #NigelFarage #Brexit
RT @Kishan_Devani
RT if you would like to see the likes of #NigelFarage finally stick to their words...
Here comes the Trump's counterpart in UK and people are thanking him for his contribution 😋
#NigelFarage #Brexit