Organic Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) is one of those natural supplements the drug companies hope you never discover. Complementary Alternative Cancer Treatment, Liver, Kidneys, Skin and Hair (thinning and restoring natural hair color.) Also good for skin conditions (infections, eczema, psoriasis, acne) Rheumatoid Arthritis joint pain. Natural weight loss oil (reduces white fat or bodyfat and elevates healthy brown fat that causes weight loss.) #blackseedoil #nigellasativa #blackcuminseed #cancer
#blackseedoil #NigellaSativa #blackcuminseed #cancer #1 Most Powerful Anti-oxidant, Anti-viral, Anti-microbial oil or capsules. Organic Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) with a high Thymoquinone content is one of those natural supplements the drug companies hope you never discover. Complementary Alternative Cancer Treatment, Respiratory system and lung protector, Liver, Kidneys, Skin and Hair (thinning and color.) Also good for skin conditions (infections, eczema, psoriasis, acne) Rheumatoid Arthritis joint pain. #blackseedoil #nigellasativa #blackcuminseed #cancer #Thymoquinone
#Thymoquinone #cancer #blackcuminseed #NigellaSativa #blackseedoil
#Nature has so much to offer us #nigellasativa #covid #vasculardamage
#vasculardamage #COVID #NigellaSativa #nature