Wenn du nachts wach im Bett liegst und über die Menschen nachdenkst, die mit ihrem kaputten Leben deines zerstören 😞...
#NightThoughts #Sleppless #Insomnia
#Troettagebuch #Troetbriefkasten
#troetbriefkasten #troettagebuch #insomnia #sleppless #NightThoughts
Isn't SoundCloud just a fancy word for a fart?
Thinking a lot about #DigitalLiteracy this afternoon.
In my experience in the last 6 years in various makerspaces, fablabs, and hackerspaces, 'digital literacy' revolve mostly around technical skills, neoliberal innovation approaches where startup culture mixes with DIY. Despite a lot of #visionary discourse, there is almost no attention either to the social and environmental implications of it or about the very monocultural society universalised dig tech implies.
#NightThoughts #visionary #digitalliteracy
When I'm using the bit of my brain that would normally be dreaming at this time of night to instead have thoughts, that's #NightThoughts
Fish: moving thru a fluid medium (water)
Birds: air is another kind of fluid so they're also doing that
Land Animals: we're also technically moving through the air, only we're heavy enough to sink to the bottom
This has been #NightThoughts