Anyway, I reviewed #Pokemon Sleep for #nightwater:
Last night on #NightWater: Peter Scobas returns to review Coca-Cola Ultimate, the League of Legends tie-in drink that "tastes like +XP."
the #NightWater email newsletter is the cure to male loneliness, male pattern baldness, male impotence, and more
I hate time zones and love the idea of replacing all of my clocks. This week on #NightWater: it's Internet Time, baby!
After a few years of #veganuary fast food tours, I decided to see what summer has to offer plant-based New Yorkers. #NightWater
i learned a lot from school assemblies -- don't smoke cigarettes, don't do drugs, don't play on train tracks -- and also, don't go back inside your burning house to save pets.
last night on #NightWater: arson vibes
I often hear from people who want to get started drinking #NightWater, but aren't sure how to begin. I wrote a simple, 7-step guide to help them on their path to nighttime hydration!
Trouble staying asleep, trouble falling asleep? Tune in to the latest episode of the Sleep With Me podcast, inspired by my Lucozade reporting at #NightWater!
#podcast #insomnia
#NightWater #podcast #insomnia
have you ever been playing #pingpong and thought to yourself: wow, I wish someone was watching my every move through a security camera? do I have good news for you!! #NightWater
I wrote about why I think #Substack writers need to have an exit strategy. Either Substack succeeds and they create a walled garden that's punitive to escape, or they fail and chaos ensues. Either way: have an escape hatch ready! #NightWater
I'm loco for LEGO Loco! This 1998 train simulator isn't as well remembered as the previous year's LEGO Island, but in my humble opinion it deserves a modern sequel.
#NightWater #lego #gaming #trains
The humble beer and shot combo. It seems simple on the surface, but the difference between a good beer shot and a bad beer shot can be startlingly complex. The reviewer behind the nyc.beershot Instagram account explains his methodology on #NightWater:
Last night on #NightWater: Peter Scobas reviews Coca-Cola’s Dreamworld flavor, a fresh fruity Gen-Z nightmare.
The #NightWater archives are growing large enough that I feel the need to put together a "Night Water Lore" page explaining the ongoing jokes, themes, and series.
this month marks the second anniversary of my newsletter #NightWater, and to celebrate I've put together a bunch of ~data~ for your perusal and enjoyment!
my friend Grace Byron is back on #NightWater this week with an absolute banger on lost girlhood and Pokemon
our #veganuary coverage here on #nightwater ends with an interview with the founder of Plantega, a radical new vegan-deli-within-a-deli concept sweeping new york
#veganuary content continue on #NightWater with my annual FAST FOOD TOUR featuring Slutty Vegan, &pizza, and PLNT Burger
animal-free dairy milk?? you better believe it, buster! i check out Bored Cow for #Veganuary and find out if they need to change their name to Bored Tastebuds
(more bad jokes in the link!!)
#vegan #nightwater