Guten #Morgen Fediverse,
heute ist ein Tag an dem mich meine #Nightcore Playlist und viel #Kaffee stützen und tragen muss,
Wer braucht schon Schlaf wenn es auch legale Stimulanzen gibt?
#morgen #Nightcore #kaffee #morgentrot Made a #song and a #video #newmusic #nightcore #glitch #glitchart #algorave
#song #video #newmusic #Nightcore #glitch #glitchart #algorave
Isn't it weird up that #Tiktok has enough influence to make artists re-release #nightcore versions of their songs?
Mazie uploaded a "Bonus" version of the Rainbow Cassette album only to include Dumb Dumb (sped up)
TH is up with that?
A nightcore edit is a version of a track that increases the pitch and speeds up its source material by approximately 20% (or more). This gives an effect almost identical to playing a 33⅓-RPM vinyl record at 40 RPM. This 35% increase in RPM causes the note C4 to become slightly lower in pitch than the note E♭4 (261.63 Hz becomes 313.96 Hz) which is an increase of approximately 3 semitones.
The name is derived from the Norwegian musical duo Nightcore.
I had this really weird desire to take one of #RageAgainstTheMachine 's more popular songs, edit de la Rocha's #vocals to pitch shift the hell out of it, and then add it back. I don't think my weird-ass brain meant it for comedy or anything, like one would think, just an #experiment in basically making #Nightcore but less awful. This is my brain ~5 minutes after waking up.
#Nightcore #experiment #vocals #rageagainstthemachine
희한하게 #nightcore 같은거걸로 중2력을 충전하고 싶어지는 날이 있다 #뮤직토돈
I totally fell for this #AMV: #anime #nightcore version of the #faun song Tanz mit mir
Going from #slowed / #reverb #music to #nightcore is a stark contrast.
#Nightcore #Music #reverb #slowed