Judy your boyfriend Jay is an asshole also stay away from Hull House
#giveafictionalcharacteradvice #NightoftheDemons
Wow apparently #TheHorrorGeek did a video on #NightoftheDemons 4 years ago as well I highly recommend both of these channels
#HorrorMovie #HorrorMovies #MikeBracken #HorrorFam #MutantFam
#thehorrorgeek #NightoftheDemons #horrormovie #horrormovies #mikebracken #HorrorFam #mutantfam
#NightoftheDemons is such an awesome movie #MutantFam should check out this #BrandonTenold video about it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMobsJ0526s&pp=ygUTbmlnaHQgb2YgdGhlIGRlbW9ucw%3D%3D
#BrandonsCultMovieReviews #HorrorMovie #HorrorMovies #HorrorFam
#NightoftheDemons #mutantfam #brandontenold #brandonscultmoviereviews #horrormovie #horrormovies #HorrorFam
Hmm guess there is no second movie see everyone back here next Friday same time #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #NightoftheDemons
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #NightoftheDemons
Yeah I am plugging myself singing this song it fits since it was at the end of the movie #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #NightoftheDemons
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #NightoftheDemons
@mabbymabmab For real I mean they can't just say yeah demons possessed our friends they would get locked up in a mental hospital or put in jail #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #NightoftheDemons
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #NightoftheDemons
I feel like the wife knew full well what her husband was doing and decided to get even #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #NightoftheDemons
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #NightoftheDemons
Now it is time for the swerve ending #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #NightoftheDemons
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #NightoftheDemons
That is the last we see of that animated dragon demon not shown at all in the sequel #TheLastDriveIn #NightoftheDemons #MutantFam
#thelastdrivein #NightoftheDemons #mutantfam
Wow Rog is actually doing something useful #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #NightoftheDemons
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #NightoftheDemons
Oh look that brick wall on top of an underground stream is a plot device gee I never saw that coming *dripping with sarcasm* #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #NightoftheDemons
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #NightoftheDemons
If she was Dorothy she could have said how about a little fire as kind of a backwards pun when she roasted Angela and Stooge #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #NightoftheDemons
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #NightoftheDemons
I lost track of how many times Judy said right right right #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #NightoftheDemons
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #NightoftheDemons
Roger praying isn't going to help you need to do something useful #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #NightoftheDemons
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #NightoftheDemons
The tombstone of Sal Romero was a tribute to the famed horror director George Romero #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #NightoftheDemons
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #NightoftheDemons
Sal did the one good thing in this movie he sacrificed himself to save Judy #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #NightoftheDemons
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #NightoftheDemons
Wouldn't it be crazy if Roger makes it to the end #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #NightoftheDemons
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #NightoftheDemons
Hmm movie critics hating a movie that goes on to be a big hit glad to know nothing has changed #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #NightoftheDemons
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #NightoftheDemons
@mabbymabmab speaking of groovy love the homage to Evil Dead 2 with the severed arm grabbing Judy's leg #TheLastDriveIn #NightoftheDemons #MutantFam
#thelastdrivein #NightoftheDemons #mutantfam
Judy pulling the dumb horror movie character move calling for someone who died minutes ago somewhere else #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #NightoftheDemons
#thelastdrivein #mutantfam #NightoftheDemons