Ein Naturschauspiel im Wald, welches mich immer wieder verzückt. Wenn die Sonne aufgeht und die Stahlen in alle Richtungen schießen, einfach mega 😍
#fotografie #natur #sonnenaufgang #sonne #wald #bäume #wandern #morgen #wärme #sonnenstrahlen
#photography #nature #moody #sunrise #sun #sunstar #forest #woodland #morning #nikon
#fotografie #natur #sonnenaufgang #sonne #wald #baume #wandern #Morgen #warme #sonnenstrahlen #photography #nature #Moody #sunrise #sun #sunstar #forest #woodland #morning #Nikon #art #fineart #mastoart #fediart
Heute Morgen war ich richtig erstaunt, wie gut das neue Objektiv Sonnensterne abbildet. Das hat mir die kleine Wanderung hier im Wald echt noch süßer gemacht 😍
#fotografie #natur #sonnenaufgang #sonne #wald #bäume #wandern #morgen #wärme
#photography #nature #moody #sunrise #sun #sunstar #forest #woodland #morning #nikon
#art #fineart #mastoart #fediart
#fotografie #natur #sonnenaufgang #sonne #wald #baume #wandern #Morgen #warme #photography #nature #Moody #sunrise #sun #sunstar #forest #woodland #morning #Nikon #art #fineart #mastoart #fediart
Going out and taking golden hour + sunset photos with a friend on Thursday was lovely ... and then I didn't have time to review/edit any of them because it was move-daughter-to-new-apartment-for-University weekend. Finally getting to them now.
When I reached this photo of julienmamazzaphotography@instagram.com shooting on a #Mamiya with his phone out to do light metering, I just had to stylize it a bit.
#photography #DSLR #Nikon #beach #darktable #portrait
#mamiya #photography #dslr #Nikon #beach #darktable #portrait
Ein kleiner Tümpel im nahen Arboretum, an dem ich immer wieder gerne mein Vesper inhaliere und Zeit mit meiner Kamera verbringe. Vor allem morgens, wenn noch alles ruhig ist ☺️
#fotografie #natur #wald #sommer #landschaft #schwarzwald #freiburg #träumerisch #mutternatur #teich #bäume
#photography #nature #landscape #forest #woodland #lake #dreamy #moody #summer #mothernature #mosstodon #silentsunday #nikon #camera
#fotografie #natur #wald #sommer #landschaft #schwarzwald #freiburg #traumerisch #mutternatur #teich #baume #photography #nature #landscape #forest #woodland #lake #dreamy #Moody #Summer #motherNature #Mosstodon #silentsunday #Nikon #camera #art #fineart #mastoart #fediart #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Fediverse
Calocera viscosa
Zwergerlfeuer / Ziegenbart
#Nikon #Darktable #Photography #Fotografie #Pilze #Pilz #Mushroom #Nature #Natur #Herbst #Autumn
#Nikon #darktable #photography #fotografie #pilze #pilz #mushroom #nature #natur #herbst #autumn
I missed photographing the #bluemoon on Wednesday night but I did catch this version on Thursday evening hand held with a 70-200 VR lens -- minor detail enhancements and contrast provided by @darktable
#darktable #DSLR #Nikon #nightphoto #nightsky #photography #moon #handheld
#bluemoon #darktable #dslr #Nikon #nightphoto #nightsky #photography #moon #handheld
Und gleich noch ein Nachtrag für #52WochenFotoChallenge
Woche 32/52 #Verloren
Nach dem Aufstehen um 4 Uhr, um den Sonnenaufgang am Gardasee zu fotografieren konnte ich um 7 Uhr bereits die ersten Surfen auf dem Gardasee entdecken. Dieser hier sieht vom Punta Larici aus betrachtet auf der rießigen Wassermasse einfach verloren aus.
#52wochenfotochallenge #verloren #Nikon #Italien #italy #surfing #Surfen
Mein Nachtrag zur #52WochenFotoChallenge aus #Italien geht weiter. Dieses Mal lautete das Motto
Woche 32/52 #Nacht
Gear: Nikon Z7II mit einem Samyang 14mm 2.8
Wir kamen direkt passend zur Sternschnuppennacht der #Perseiden in unserer Wohnung in den Weinbergen an und hatten einen wunderbaren Blick auf die Sterne. DIE Gelegenheit für mich mit @philsupertramp meine Astro-Linse und Intervallaufnahme auszuprobieren.
#52wochenfotochallenge #Italien #nacht #perseiden #italy #Nikon #ASTRO #astrophotography #Astrofotografie
Just a random duck I saw sitting on a break water while waiting for friends. Not the best HDR but it was very hard to dial in the brightness at just after mid day.
#bird #photography #Canada #beauty #DSLRPhotography #Nikon #HDR
#bird #photography #Canada #beauty #dslrphotography #Nikon #hdr
Return to Innocence
#fotografie #natur #wald #sommer #landschaft #schwarzwald #freiburg #träumerisch #mutternatur #wasserfall #sommer #moos
#photography #nature #landscape #forest #woodland #waterfall #longexposure #creek #dreamy #moody #summer #mothernature #mosstodon #nikon #camera
#fotografie #natur #wald #sommer #landschaft #schwarzwald #freiburg #traumerisch #mutternatur #Wasserfall #moos #photography #nature #landscape #forest #woodland #waterfall #longexposure #creek #dreamy #Moody #Summer #motherNature #Mosstodon #Nikon #camera #art #fineart #mastoart #fediart #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Fediverse
Ich liebe solche kleinen, intimen Orte im Wald. Da könnte ich stundenlang verweilen.. und nebenbei was essen und knipsen 😍
#fotografie #natur #wald #sommer #landschaft #schwarzwald #freiburg #träumerisch #mutternatur #mystisch #wasserfall
#photography #nature #landscape #forest #woodland #waterfall #longexposure #creek #dreamy #moody #summer #mothernature #mosstodon #nikon #camera
#fotografie #natur #wald #sommer #landschaft #schwarzwald #freiburg #traumerisch #mutternatur #mystisch #Wasserfall #photography #nature #landscape #forest #woodland #waterfall #longexposure #creek #dreamy #Moody #Summer #motherNature #Mosstodon #Nikon #camera #art #fineart #mastoart #fediart #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Fediverse
Some random moments in amateur #photography tonight ...
My daughter was visiting with her friend and we stopped to get some photos when an old acquaintance of mine walked by and I asked him to stop a moment for me. Each seen here...
#photography #Nikon #DSLR #portrait
#photography #Nikon #dslr #portrait
For what its worth, I had a lovely #photoshoot with this couple at a small bridge along the trail seen above.
#portrait #photography #DSLR #Nikon
#photoshoot #portrait #photography #dslr #Nikon
Yesterday I had to quickly check out a location I was going to do a photoshoot in today and I brought along my daughter as stand in for calibration. After looking at the pictures again today I decided to do some adjustments to better reflect how she felt about the situation.
She said she would veto the location given the choice.
#photography #Nikon #rawPhotography #Darktable #splitTone
#photography #Nikon #rawphotography #darktable #splittone
Gerade noch zum ausklingenden #FotoMontag fertig geworden: Der Dresdner Fernsehturm zum Sonnenuntergang
#Nikon #PhotoMonday #darktable #saxony #hiking #sachsen #nature #natur #photography #fotografie
#Fotomontag #Nikon #Photomonday #darktable #saxony #hiking #sachsen #nature #natur #photography #fotografie
I've been waffling for some time on a new lens to buy for my #Nikon D610 (yes I still shoot
on a #DSLR). I already have the lovely 50mm f1.8 and a 24-85 VR f3.5 lens I use *most* of the time, but I find myself quite often wanting better magnification for distant objects be it wild life or race cars for which I've been using a 70-300 non-VR lens.
#photography #cameras #lens
#Nikon #dslr #photography #cameras #lens
“Not all those who wander are lost.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien
#Nikon #darktable #saxony #hiking #sachsen #nature #natur #photography #fotografie
#Nikon #darktable #saxony #hiking #sachsen #nature #natur #photography #fotografie
Sleep of the bumblebee
I caught this little bumblebee sleeping when I was doing a bicycle tour into the heather fields north of where I live
#darktable #nature #natur #Fotografie #photography #nikon #bumblebee #Hummel
#darktable #nature #natur #fotografie #photography #Nikon #bumblebee #hummel
@darktable I'm on my way to see fast cars drive around a track all weekend here in #Ontario, #Canada and I plan to drag along my #Nikon and take far more photos than I need to.
#cars #racing #motorsport #Mosport
#Ontario #Canada #Nikon #cars #racing #motorsport #mosport