Crazy Plant Lady Selfie 😂💚🪴 Unfug mit Doppelbelichtung mit meiner neuen Kamera.
#Nikonzfc #photography #plantmom #fotografie #doubleexposure
#doubleexposure #fotografie #plantmom #photography #NikonZfc
I'm thinking of buying a Nikon Z FC and I'm having trouble deciding on a kit lens option. I'd like a fast prime but while the 28mm f28 fails to be fast it seems okay. People seem to like the 16-50mm because it's super small and great for walking around. But B&H has a bundle deal on the 18-140mm so I dunno I'd probably mostly use that lens for most general use, but if I want a smaller lowkey lens for walking around which do you prefer? #Nikon #Photography #NikonZFC
書きました! / Nikon、Nikon Z シリーズの新作に Z 50 や Z fc と同じセンサーを搭載? - ジャンクお宝鑑定団
#NikonZ30 #Nikon #NikonZ50 #NikonZfc #Camera
#camera #NikonZfc #nikonz50 #nikon #NikonZ30
書きました! / Nikon、Zfc を2021年6月28日に発表? - ジャンクお宝鑑定団
#Nikon #NikonZfc #Camera