#NinaTurner speaks to #DemocracyNow about #Ohio victory
#NinaTurner #democracynow #ohio #StopTheWarOnPregnantPeople #elections
Tweet to #NinaTurner
Content Warning : REALLY #racist tweet to Nina Turner. Disgusting!
#wtf #USAShitShow #NinaTurner #racist
Excellent interview by #NinaTurner with #CornelWest
"the democratic party uses progressives as window dressing to corporate power and militarism"
#NinaTurner: Democrats Must Decide If They Are “Party of the Corporatists or Party of the People”
We look at the Democratic Party’s opposition to progressive challengers such as Nina Turner, former #Ohio
#statesenator who earlier this month lost her #congressional primary challenge after facing massive spending and attacks by super PACs. Turner says the corporate wing of the Democratic Party seeks to consolidate the existing leadership’s power while shutting down champions of progressive policies like Medicare for All. “The Democratic Party as a whole has to make a decision: Is it the party of the corporatists, or is it the party of the people?” says Turner. #DemocracyNow Democracy Now!
#democracynow #NinaTurner #ohio #statesenator #congressional
#Ohio #election
EMOTIONAL #NinaTurner Speaks w/ Jordan Chariton, Jordan Reports on RAINY #ElectionDay
Status Coup is the ONLY independent outlet ON-THE-GROUND covering this critical election in Cleveland. SUPPORT us as a member for $5-10 bucks a month: https:...
#ohio #election #NinaTurner #electionday #statuscoupnews
Today us #electionday in #Ohio
#NinaTurner for #Congress
Add your name today to stand with Nina and join our people-powered movement.
#electionday #ohio #NinaTurner #congress