Back in the 80s, before Japanese anime was broadly or commercially available in the United States, I had the opportunity to borrow a bunch of VHS tapes from the "Japanimation" club at Cornell University. I didn't attend Cornell, but I lived nearby and shopped at a comic store near the campus.
Some of the tapes were fansubbed, but many of them were in Japanese without any subtitles. I didn't (and still don't) speak a word of Japanese, but every single thing those characters said was absolutely epic.
I've recently discovered the Japanese band Ningen Isu, and the feeling is the same. I can't understand a damned thing he's singing, but boy is he singing it.
Check it out.
Ningen Isu, oldschool metal in old Japanese language 🤘#ningenisu #metal #japan #人間椅子
#人間椅子 #japan #metal #NingenIsu
#paganmusic #japan #shinto #metal #eldritch #Lovecraft
#NingenIsu - the color out of space
#paganmusic #japan #shinto #metal #eldritch #lovecraft #NingenIsu
#paganmusic #japan #shinto #metal
#NingenIsu - Heartless Scat
#paganmusic #japan #shinto #metal #NingenIsu
Ever wondered what it would look/sound like if a #shinto priest, #yakuza gangster and a meiji-era #sensei got together and formed a #DoomMetal band? Wonder no more, for I present you with #NingenIsu (The Human Cahir) and their song "Heartless Scat")...
#NingenIsu #doommetal #sensei #yakuza #shinto
Leute leute... es ist wieder mal Zeit für einen kleinen Blick über den Tellerrand.
Jetzt wird mal aufgedreht und der Horizont erweitert.
In diesem Sinne
Shabadabadia 🤘 😆
#無情のスキャット #NingenIsu #人間椅子 #heartlessscat
Ba ba ba ba!
#fediplay #NingenIsu #np #NowPlaying
I could watch #NingenIsu merch videos for hours. 😆