Durch einen lieben User drüben auf Twitter konnte ich nun drei weitere Lücken in meiner Poké Sammlung schließen. 💚
Unfassbar lieb, mir diese Spiele zu schicken!! 🥺
#pokemon #nintendo #NintendoDS #nintendo3ds #3ds
Les trouvailles du lundi 07 août 2023 (2) :
#Microsoft #Xbox360 #50CentBloodOnTheSand #SwordfishStudios #THQ #XboxOne #RedDeadRedemption #RockstarSanDiego #RockstarGames #OutlastTrinity #RedBarrels #WarnerBrosGames #SonicForces #SonicForcesEditionBonus #SonicTeam #Sega #TalesOfVesperia #NamcoTalesStudio #BandaiNamcoEntertainment #Trine4TheNightmarePrince #Frozenbyte #ModusGames #Saturn #Grandia #GameArts #EntertainmentSoftwarePublishing #NintendoDS #ProfesseurLaytonEtLAppelDuSpectre #Level5
#microsoft #xbox360 #50centbloodonthesand #swordfishstudios #thq #xboxone #RedDeadRedemption #rockstarsandiego #rockstargames #outlasttrinity #redbarrels #warnerbrosgames #sonicforces #sonicforceseditionbonus #sonicteam #sega #talesofvesperia #namcotalesstudio #bandainamcoentertainment #trine4thenightmareprince #frozenbyte #modusgames #saturn #grandia #gamearts #entertainmentsoftwarepublishing #NintendoDS #professeurlaytonetlappelduspectre #level5
Review: Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (Nintendo DS)
In this review, we collect the mini medals in the Nintendo DS game Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride. We find out how well this RPG game plays.
This game was released in 2009. It is, as the name suggests, t
#Reviews(Games) #DragonQuestV #DragonQuestV:HandoftheHeavenlyBride #DS #game #gaming #NintendoDS #review #RPG
#rpg #review #NintendoDS #gaming #game #ds #dragonquestv #reviews
Did you know that there's a #Hellskitchen game on the #NintendoDS ? Apparently it uses real recipes, and the manual even includes some "Official Hell's Kitchen" recipes too. If someone feels brave enough to test this out, let me know (because I am a not a good cook and will fuck this up if I tried anyways).
#ds #nintendo #gordonramsay #recipes #cooking #food #videogame #game
#hellskitchen #NintendoDS #ds #nintendo #gordonramsay #recipes #cooking #food #videogame #game
#NintendoGameCube #GameCube #Nintendo #VirtuaStriker3ver2002 #VirtuaStriker3 #AmusementVision #Sega #NintendoDS #DS #SuperPrincessPeach #Tose #NintendoSwitch #Switch #AdvanceWars1plus2ReBootCamp #WayForward
#nintendogamecube #gamecube #nintendo #virtuastriker3ver2002 #virtuastriker3 #amusementvision #sega #NintendoDS #ds #superprincesspeach #tose #nintendoswitch #switch #advancewars1plus2rebootcamp #wayforward
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 lot de jeux #gba #GameBoyAdvance #gd #GameBoy #nintendods #nds #Tetris #RType #professeurlayton #professorlayton
#gba #gameboyadvance #gd #gameboy #NintendoDS #nds #tetris #rtype #professeurlayton #professorlayton
Es ist angekommen! 🔥
Dank einem lieben User aus der #Pokémon Community kann ich mich bald in die Fortsetzung der Einall-Abenteuer stürzen! Vielen Dank für das Spiel :D
#pokemon #nintendo #NintendoDS
Finally Advance Wars remakes have come out on #NintendoSwitch. But is it the best out of the entire Wars series. #AdvanceWars #FamicomWars #GameBoyWars #BattalionWars #Nintendo #Famicom #SuperFamicom #SFC #GameBoy #GamerBoyAdvance #GBA #GameCube #NintendoDS #Gaming
#NintendoSwitch #advancewars #famicomwars #gameboywars #battalionwars #nintendo #famicom #superfamicom #sfc #gameboy #gamerboyadvance #gba #gamecube #NintendoDS #gaming
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 deux jeux pour #nintendods #nds #mariokartds #thelegendofzelda #LegendofZelda #phantomhourglass
#NintendoDS #nds #mariokartds #TheLegendOfZelda #legendofzelda #phantomhourglass
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 jeux #NintendoDS #nds #speedracer #Castlevania #dawnofsorrow jeu #GameBoy #Pokemon
#NintendoDS #nds #speedracer #castlevania #dawnofsorrow #gameboy #pokemon
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 jeux #nds #nintendods #Pokemon #DragonQuest #DragonQuestMonsterJoker2 #monsterjoker2
#nds #NintendoDS #pokemon #dragonquest #dragonquestmonsterjoker2 #monsterjoker2
This is a #NintendoDS appreciation post. Smartphones and tablets weren't widespread in 2004, so a popular device with a touch screen, microphone, and WiFi (and to a lesser extent the dual screens, perhaps surprisingly since it was the namesake feature) opened up a lot of space to experiment with how we interact with games/software. Some were flops or gimmicks, but there were also some gems that made good use of the possibilities. Nintendogs, Scribblenauts, Drawn To Life, Electroplankton, Korg DS-10, Cooking Mama, Art Academy, Professor Layton, Brain Age, Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks, among others. It also had the first portable Animal Crossing, and the first where you could visit other players and interact online.
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 lot de jeux #nintendods #GoldenSun #legostarwars #StarWars #dragonquest #Zelda #TheLegendOfZelda #Pokemon
#NintendoDS #goldensun #legostarwars #starwars #dragonquest #zelda #TheLegendOfZelda #pokemon
my fav game on each console i've spent significant time with #ShareYourGames
#NES - punch-out!!
#SNES - mega man x or super mario world
#N64 - star fox 64
#GameBoyColor - pokémon crystal
#Xbox - knights of the old republic 2 or the chronicles of riddick: escape from butcher bay
#GameBoyAdvance - a link to the past
#Wii - super mario galaxy
#NintendoDS - shovel knight
#PS3 - red dead redemption
#Xbox360 - dark souls
#Switch - donkey kong country: tropical freeze
#PS4 - bloodborne
#shareyourgames #nes #snes #n64 #gameboycolor #xbox #gameboyadvance #wii #NintendoDS #ps3 #xbox360 #switch #ps4
#Gameboy - Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
#GameboyColor - Pokemon Silver
#GameboyAdvance - Megaman Zero 2
#NintendoDS - The World Ends With You
#Wii - Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
#PC (why not) - Nier: Automata
#shareyourgames #gameboy #GameBoyColor #gameboyadvance #NintendoDS #wii #pc
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 lot de jeux #nintendods #Pokemon #cestpassorcier #HarryPotter #DragonBallZ #mysims #TheSims #mariovsdonkeykong
#NintendoDS #pokemon #cestpassorcier #harrypotter #dragonballz #mysims #thesims #mariovsdonkeykong
That's #PokemonWhite beaten, or at least the main story. Probably will try to level up to rematch the Elite Four and beat the Champion, and try to scoop the remaining legendaries in the region up.
#pokemonwhite #pokemon #pokemonbw #gamecomplete #NintendoDS
Elite Four beaten for the first time in #PokemonWhite. Think I might have been under levelled, it was pretty tough. But now it's on to the Team Plasma part of the finale.
N: It's over!
(Narrator: It wasn't over.)
#pokemonwhite #pokemon #pokemonbw #rpg #nintendo #NintendoDS #gaming
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 lot de jeux sur #nds #n3ds #nintendods #nintendo3ds #mahjong #AngryBirds #shinomi #hobbit #vampiresecrets
#nds #n3ds #NintendoDS #nintendo3ds #mahjong #angrybirds #shinomi #hobbit #vampiresecrets