Virus #Nipah, buoni risultati del nuovo #vaccino nella sperimentazione su animali
📌 Il virus Nipah è un virus a RNA della famiglia dei Paramyxoviridae. È stato identificato per la prima volta nel 1999 durante un’epidemia in Malesia. Si trasmette principalmente dagli animali ai esseri umani, ma può anche essere trasmesso da persona a persona.
📌Può causare una grave encefalite, che può essere letale.
#Nipah virus #Bangladesh #infection elicits organ-specific innate and #inflammatory responses in the #marmoset model
#Nipah #bangladesh #infection #inflammatory #marmoset
#Nipah virus #infection - #Bangladesh, #WHO:
#Nipah #infection #bangladesh #who
COVID19 #SarsCov2 #YesToNoCovid #Covidisnotover
#MaskUp #Coronavirus #LongCovid #DavosStandard #DavosSafe
Captivating article about brave scientists hunting the #Nipah virus
#Nipah #davossafe #davosstandard #LongCovid #Coronavirus #MaskUp #CovidIsNotOver #YesToNoCovid #sarscov2
COVID19 #SarsCov2 #YesToNoCovid #Covidisnotover
#MaskUp #Coronavirus #LongCovid #DavosStandard #DavosSafe
Captivating article about brave scientists hunting the #Nipah virus
#Nipah #davossafe #davosstandard #LongCovid #Coronavirus #MaskUp #CovidIsNotOver #YesToNoCovid #sarscov2
RT @Fischblog
In Bangladesh haben sich dieses Jahr schon 8 Menschen mit dem Nipahvirus infiziert. Im ganzen Jahr 2022 waren es insgesamt nur 3. Bisher sind 5 gestorben. #Nipah ist eine der tödlichsten Viruserkrankungen überhaupt und ein möglicher Pandemieerreger.
#Nipah Virus #Exposure in #Domestic and Peridomestic #Animals Living in Human #Outbreak Sites, #Bangladesh, 2013–2015
#Nipah #exposure #domestic #animals #outbreak #bangladesh
van Doremalen, N., Avanzato, V.A., Goldin, K. et al. #ChAdOx1 NiV #vaccination protects against lethal #Nipah #Bangladesh virus infection in African green #monkeys. npj Vaccines 7, 171 (2022).
#chadox1 #vaccination #Nipah #bangladesh #monkeys
Excited to announce our new partnership with UTMB and DoD to develop vaccines for #CCHF and #Nipah using our repRNA/LION platform.